6 The Firs 44-46, Lawrie Park Gardens, SE26 6XN
Property data
- Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation £126,000 Jun 2002 1500.3% 1500.3% £87,500 May 2002 0.0% -1.5% £87,500 Jun 2000 na na - Bedrooms
- 2
- Type
- Flat
- Council tax band
- C
August 2021
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- Status not known
- Address:
- Description:
- FRONT SIDE: ONE Horse Chestnut (T1 in TPO)(ht.14m) remove the lowest branch at approx.4m above ground level over the drive of no 48, reduce the length of the three lowest branches growing towards the front elevation of adjacent property no.48 by approximately 2 metres. Reason: to provide clearance to adjacent property and driveway at no.48. FRONT: ONE Sycamore (T2 in TPO) Remove deadwood FRONT: ONE Ash (T3 in TPO) Remove deadwoodFRONT: ONE Bay (T4 in TPO)(ht.8m) remove the lowest eight minor branches over the pavement, remove the lowest secondary stem over the grassed area growing towards the front elevation from the multi-stemmed bay. Reason: to provide clearance to pavement and frontage of no.44-46.FRONT: ONE Ash (T5 in TPO) Remove deadwood. FRONT: ONE Ash (T6 in TPO)(ht.14m) reduce the length of branch growing towards front elevation by 1-1.5 metres. Reason: to provide clearance from building. FRONT: ONE Sycamore (T7)(ht.14m) CROWN LIFT to approx.5m above ground level over the road and pavement and balance low growth over the front grassed area. Reason: to provide highway clearance for pedestrians and vehicular traffic. FRONT: ONE Hawthorn (T8 in TPO)(ht.8-9m) cut back mature ivy covering the hawthorn. Reason: to give clearance to pavement for pedestrians. The London Borough of Lewisham, The Firs 44-46 Lawrie Park Gardens, London SE26 Tree Preservation Order, 2005.