56, Honeysuckle Lane, BH17 7YZ
Property data
- Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation £277,000 Dec 2002 20.2% 18.5% £189,950 Nov 2000 na na - Bedrooms
- 4
- Type
- Detached
- Council tax band
- E
April 2003
- Type:
- Tree and hedge works
- Status:
- The application is no longer active but no decision was made. Perhaps a split decision
- Address:
- 56 Honeysuckle Lane, Creekmoor, Poole, Dorset
- Description:
- T1 Oak remove sub dominant stem on west side of tree,crown clean, T2 Oak reduce back from house by 2-3m, crown clean, G1 Oak stems, reduce back by 2-3m , crown clean. TPO Ref 47 Area 1970 Parks ref 128/03