30, Templer Road, TQ3 1EL
Property data
- Sale history
Price Date Annual growth After inflation £196,000 Mar 2003 32.4% 30.5% £97,500 Sep 2000 na na - Bedrooms
- 2
- Type
- Detached
- Council tax band
- C
Archived listings
- History:
- Archived sales listing for 30 Templer Road. Advertised on multiple portals. It was . It last appeared Oct 2004.
- Photos:
There are 2 historic photos of 30 Templer Road.
- Advertiser remarks:
- 2 bedrooms
- 2 double bedrooms, one being en-suite
- beautifully fitted kitchen with built in appliances
- good size lounge
- double glazed
- gas central heating
- single garage
- off road parking
- landscaped gardens