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All house prices in Ash Road

Ash Road includes M34 2WE , M34 2WH , M34 2WJ .
Price trends | Analysis of M34 2

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
103, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WH - photos available 20 Oct 2023 £230,000 80 sqm £2,875 Terrace (2 bed)
97, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WH - photos available 13 Sep 2023 £170,000 107 sqm £1,588 (2 bed)
133, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WH - photos available 02 Mar 2023 £97,500 79 sqm £1,234 Terrace (3 bed)
89, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WH - photos available 20 Feb 2023 £175,000 80 sqm £2,187 Terrace (2 bed)
87, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WH - photos available 10 Feb 2023 £210,000 74 sqm £2,837 Terrace (2 bed)
21, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WE - photos available 11 Nov 2022 £200,000 74 sqm £2,702 Terrace (2 bed)
84, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WJ - photos available 14 Oct 2022 £276,000 85 sqm £3,247 Semi-D (3 bed)
73, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WE - photos available 07 Oct 2022 £188,125 76 sqm £2,475 Terrace (2 bed)
61, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WE - photos available 09 Aug 2022 £165,000 74 sqm £2,229 Terrace (2 bed)
105, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WH - photos available 04 Jan 2022 £145,000 83 sqm £1,746 Terrace (2 bed)
123, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WH - photos available 22 Dec 2021 £185,000 84 sqm £2,202 Terrace (2 bed)
53, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WE - photos available 17 Sep 2021 £165,000 77 sqm £2,142 Terrace (2 bed)
116, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WJ - photos available 31 Aug 2021 £250,000 111 sqm £2,252 Semi-D (3 bed)
19, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WE - photos available 12 Jun 2020 £145,000 73 sqm £1,986 Terrace (2 bed)
15, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WE 02 Jun 2020 £105,000 71 sqm £1,478 Terrace (2 bed)
11, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WE - photos available 20 Mar 2020 £130,000 75 sqm £1,733 Terrace (2 bed)
69, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WE - photos available 06 Feb 2020 £135,000 77 sqm £1,753 Semi-D
74, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WJ - photos available 31 Jan 2020 £310,000 164 sqm £1,890 Terrace (3 bed)
115, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WH - photos available 28 May 2019 £147,995 84 sqm £1,761 Terrace (2 bed)
99, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WH 06 Nov 2018 £140,000 77 sqm £1,818 Terrace (2 bed)
23, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WE - photos available 14 Sep 2018 £132,000 74 sqm £1,783 Terrace (2 bed)
122, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WJ - photos available 07 Sep 2018 £169,379 87 sqm £1,946 Terrace (3 bed)
106, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WJ 31 Aug 2018 £162,000 114 sqm £1,421 Semi-D (3 bed)
53a, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WE - photos available 31 Aug 2018 £200,000 71 sqm £2,816 Detached (2 bed)
71, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WE - photos available 10 Aug 2018 £137,000 82 sqm £1,670 Terrace (2 bed)
51, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WE - photos available 23 Mar 2018 £130,000 83 sqm £1,566 Terrace (2 bed)
114, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WJ - photos available 15 Dec 2017 £170,000 90 sqm £1,888 Terrace (3 bed)
96, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WJ - photos available 29 Nov 2017 £193,000 90 sqm £2,144 Semi-D (3 bed)
91, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WH - photos available 06 Oct 2017 £115,000 75 sqm £1,533 Terrace (2 bed)
108, Ash Road, Denton, M34 2WJ 22 May 2017 £150,000 96 sqm £1,562 Terrace (3 bed)
103, Ash Rd - photos available £230,000
80 2,875
97, Ash Rd - photos available £170,000
107 1,588
133, Ash Rd - photos available £97,500
79 1,234
89, Ash Rd - photos available £175,000
80 2,187
87, Ash Rd - photos available £210,000
74 2,837
21, Ash Rd - photos available £200,000
74 2,702
84, Ash Rd - photos available £276,000
85 3,247
73, Ash Rd - photos available £188,125
76 2,475
61, Ash Rd - photos available £165,000
74 2,229
105, Ash Rd - photos available £145,000
83 1,746
123, Ash Rd - photos available £185,000
84 2,202
53, Ash Rd - photos available £165,000
77 2,142
116, Ash Rd - photos available £250,000
111 2,252
19, Ash Rd - photos available £145,000
73 1,986
15, Ash Rd £105,000
71 1,478
11, Ash Rd - photos available £130,000
75 1,733
69, Ash Rd - photos available £135,000
77 1,753
74, Ash Rd - photos available £310,000
164 1,890
115, Ash Rd - photos available £147,995
84 1,761
99, Ash Rd £140,000
77 1,818
23, Ash Rd - photos available £132,000
74 1,783
122, Ash Rd - photos available £169,379
87 1,946
106, Ash Rd £162,000
114 1,421
53a, Ash Rd - photos available £200,000
71 2,816
71, Ash Rd - photos available £137,000
82 1,670
51, Ash Rd - photos available £130,000
83 1,566
114, Ash Rd - photos available £170,000
90 1,888
96, Ash Rd - photos available £193,000
90 2,144
91, Ash Rd - photos available £115,000
75 1,533
108, Ash Rd £150,000
96 1,562

The data above for Ash Road can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Ash Road, Denton is £2,166 sqm (£201 per sq ft), this is calculated from sold house prices of the 16 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Denton are now selling for between £2,450 and £3,400 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of M34 2 (Denton) house prices.
There are roughly 77 homes on Ash Road, we would have expected about 11 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 16 property sales in Ash Road, averaging approximately 4 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Ash Road is 82 m2 (882 sqft).

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