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All house prices in Benland

Benland includes PE3 8EB , PE3 8ED , PE3 8EE .
Price trends | Analysis of PE3 8

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
103, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EE 08 Jan 2024 £124,000 86 sqm £1,441 Flat (3 bed)
80, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8ED - photos available 26 Jan 2023 £155,000 71 sqm £2,183 Flat (3 bed)
84, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8ED - photos available 22 Jun 2022 £215,000 110 sqm £1,954 Terrace (1 bed)
65, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB - photos available 30 May 2022 £133,000 85 sqm £1,564 Flat (1 bed)
55, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB - photos available 13 May 2022 £188,000 85 sqm £2,211 Terrace (3 bed)
45, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB - photos available 29 Sep 2021 £155,000 98 sqm £1,581 Terrace (3 bed)
61, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB - photos available 17 Sep 2021 £172,000 90 sqm £1,911 Terrace (3 bed)
44, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB 09 Jun 2021 £144,000 89 sqm £1,617 Terrace (3 bed)
9, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB - photos available 22 Jan 2021 £107,500 88 sqm £1,221 Terrace (3 bed)
39, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB - photos available 22 Oct 2020 £165,000 92 sqm £1,793 Terrace (3 bed)
131, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EE - photos available 31 Jul 2020 £150,000 79 sqm £1,898 Terrace (3 bed)
31, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB - photos available 19 Nov 2019 £165,000 89 sqm £1,853 Terrace (3 bed)
27, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB - photos available 18 Nov 2019 £151,000 87 sqm £1,735 Semi-D (3 bed)
14, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB 01 Aug 2019 £158,000 88 sqm £1,795 Terrace (3 bed)
126, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EE - photos available 20 Jun 2019 £120,000 107 sqm £1,121 Terrace (3 bed)
133, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EE - photos available 23 Nov 2018 £160,000 92 sqm £1,739 Terrace (4 bed)
118, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EE - photos available 08 Oct 2018 £131,000 85 sqm £1,541 Semi-D (3 bed)
16, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB - photos available 31 Aug 2018 £153,000 88 sqm £1,738 Terrace (3 bed)
136, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EE 10 Aug 2018 £82,000 Flat (1 bed)
25, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB - photos available 20 Jul 2018 £150,000 89 sqm £1,685 Terrace (3 bed)
51, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB - photos available 12 Oct 2017 £148,500 119 sqm £1,247 Semi-D (3 bed)
76, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8ED - photos available 14 Sep 2016 £85,000 57 sqm £1,491 Flat (1 bed)
82, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8ED 09 Mar 2016 £125,000 118 sqm £1,059 Terrace (3 bed)
43, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB - photos available 19 Nov 2015 £115,000 91 sqm £1,263 Terrace (3 bed)
21, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB - photos available 28 Aug 2015 £106,000 88 sqm £1,204 Terrace (4 bed)
29, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB - photos available 01 May 2015 £101,000 108 sqm £935 Terrace (3 bed)
75, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8ED - photos available 31 Mar 2015 £83,500 84 sqm £994 Terrace (3 bed)
70, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8ED - photos available 26 Mar 2015 £120,000 151 sqm £794 Terrace (4 bed)
62, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EB - photos available 23 Jan 2015 £109,000 88 sqm £1,238 Terrace (3 bed)
122, Benland, Bretton, PE3 8EE - photos available 29 Oct 2014 £89,200 93 sqm £959 Flat (3 bed)
103, Benland £124,000
86 1,441
80, Benland - photos available £155,000
71 2,183
84, Benland - photos available £215,000
110 1,954
65, Benland - photos available £133,000
85 1,564
55, Benland - photos available £188,000
85 2,211
45, Benland - photos available £155,000
98 1,581
61, Benland - photos available £172,000
90 1,911
44, Benland £144,000
89 1,617
9, Benland - photos available £107,500
88 1,221
39, Benland - photos available £165,000
92 1,793
131, Benland - photos available £150,000
79 1,898
31, Benland - photos available £165,000
89 1,853
27, Benland - photos available £151,000
87 1,735
14, Benland £158,000
88 1,795
126, Benland - photos available £120,000
107 1,121
133, Benland - photos available £160,000
92 1,739
118, Benland - photos available £131,000
85 1,541
16, Benland - photos available £153,000
88 1,738
136, Benland £82,000
25, Benland - photos available £150,000
89 1,685
51, Benland - photos available £148,500
119 1,247
76, Benland - photos available £85,000
57 1,491
82, Benland £125,000
118 1,059
43, Benland - photos available £115,000
91 1,263
21, Benland - photos available £106,000
88 1,204
29, Benland - photos available £101,000
108 935
75, Benland - photos available £83,500
84 994
70, Benland - photos available £120,000
151 794
62, Benland - photos available £109,000
88 1,238
122, Benland - photos available £89,200
93 959

The data above for Benland can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Benland, Bretton is £1,761 sqm (£163 per sq ft), this is from the price paid of the 11 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Bretton are now selling for between £1,770 and £2,460 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of PE3 8 (Bretton) house prices.
There are roughly 77 homes on Benland, we would have expected approximately 11 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 11 property sales in Benland, averaging approximately 2 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Benland is 87 m2 (936 sqft).

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