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All house prices in Brotherston Drive

Brotherston Drive has only one postcode, BB2 4FJ.
Price trends | Analysis of BB2 4

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
49, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ 13 Oct 2023 £145,000 62 sqm £2,338 Detached (2 bed)
65, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 08 Jun 2023 £144,000 64 sqm £2,250 Semi-D (2 bed)
22, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 03 Oct 2022 £225,000 87 sqm £2,586 Detached (3 bed)
47, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 24 Jun 2022 £139,950 61 sqm £2,294 Semi-D (2 bed)
42, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 25 Apr 2022 £140,000 61 sqm £2,295 Semi-D (2 bed)
9, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 22 Dec 2021 £171,000 75 sqm £2,280 Detached (3 bed)
36, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 17 Dec 2020 £195,000 102 sqm £1,911 Detached (3 bed)
10, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 04 Dec 2020 £135,000 61 sqm £2,213 Semi-D (2 bed)
77, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ 16 Sep 2020 £120,000 61 sqm £1,967 Semi-D (2 bed)
8, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 17 Jul 2020 £118,000 61 sqm £1,934 Semi-D (2 bed)
31, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 28 Feb 2020 £142,000 65 sqm £2,184 Semi-D (3 bed)
48, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 24 Feb 2020 £210,000 92 sqm £2,282 Detached (3 bed)
59, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ 07 Feb 2020 £168,000 90 sqm £1,866 Detached (4 bed)
37, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 10 Oct 2019 £148,000 72 sqm £2,055 Semi-D (3 bed)
1, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ 26 Jul 2019 £295,000 114 sqm £2,587 Detached (4 bed)
51, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 14 Jun 2019 £145,000 72 sqm £2,013 Semi-D (3 bed)
45, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 18 Apr 2019 £157,500 77 sqm £2,045 Detached (3 bed)
32, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 25 Jan 2019 £148,995 72 sqm £2,069 Semi-D (3 bed)
53, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ 31 Aug 2018 £147,000 72 sqm £2,041 Semi-D (3 bed)
21, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 25 May 2018 £175,000 81 sqm £2,160 Detached (3 bed)
57, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 28 Mar 2018 £165,000 79 sqm £2,088 Detached (3 bed)
2, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 21 Dec 2017 £170,000 92 sqm £1,847 Detached (4 bed)
44, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 20 Dec 2017 £154,000 79 sqm £1,949 Detached (3 bed)
29, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 01 Sep 2017 £146,000 72 sqm £2,027 Detached (3 bed)
73, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 09 Jun 2017 £173,000 78 sqm £2,217 Detached (3 bed)
30, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 05 May 2017 £112,500 64 sqm £1,757 Semi-D (2 bed)
16, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 21 Oct 2016 £122,000 61 sqm £2,000 Semi-D (2 bed)
25, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 18 Jul 2016 £94,100 77 sqm £1,222 Semi-D (2 bed)
17, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 15 Apr 2016 £160,000 83 sqm £1,927 Detached (3 bed)
34, Brotherston Drive, Blackburn, BB2 4FJ - photos available 15 Jan 2016 £140,000 73 sqm £1,917 Semi-D (3 bed)
49, Brotherston Drive £145,000
62 2,338
65, Brotherston Drive - photos available £144,000
64 2,250
22, Brotherston Drive - photos available £225,000
87 2,586
47, Brotherston Drive - photos available £139,950
61 2,294
42, Brotherston Drive - photos available £140,000
61 2,295
9, Brotherston Drive - photos available £171,000
75 2,280
36, Brotherston Drive - photos available £195,000
102 1,911
10, Brotherston Drive - photos available £135,000
61 2,213
77, Brotherston Drive £120,000
61 1,967
8, Brotherston Drive - photos available £118,000
61 1,934
31, Brotherston Drive - photos available £142,000
65 2,184
48, Brotherston Drive - photos available £210,000
92 2,282
59, Brotherston Drive £168,000
90 1,866
37, Brotherston Drive - photos available £148,000
72 2,055
1, Brotherston Drive £295,000
114 2,587
51, Brotherston Drive - photos available £145,000
72 2,013
45, Brotherston Drive - photos available £157,500
77 2,045
32, Brotherston Drive - photos available £148,995
72 2,069
53, Brotherston Drive £147,000
72 2,041
21, Brotherston Drive - photos available £175,000
81 2,160
57, Brotherston Drive - photos available £165,000
79 2,088
2, Brotherston Drive - photos available £170,000
92 1,847
44, Brotherston Drive - photos available £154,000
79 1,949
29, Brotherston Drive - photos available £146,000
72 2,027
73, Brotherston Drive - photos available £173,000
78 2,217
30, Brotherston Drive - photos available £112,500
64 1,757
16, Brotherston Drive - photos available £122,000
61 2,000
25, Brotherston Drive - photos available £94,100
77 1,222
17, Brotherston Drive - photos available £160,000
83 1,927
34, Brotherston Drive - photos available £140,000
73 1,917

The data above for Brotherston Drive can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Brotherston Drive, Blackburn is £2,206 sqm (£204 per sq ft), this is calculated from the Land Registry price paid of the 10 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Blackburn are now selling for between £930 and £2,020 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of BB2 4 (Blackburn) house prices.
There are about 64 homes on Brotherston Drive, we would have expected roughly 9 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 10 property sales in Brotherston Drive, averaging roughly 2 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Brotherston Drive is 76 m2 (818 sqft).

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