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All house prices in Chapel Road

Chapel Road includes BS26 2TB , BS26 2TD .
Price trends | Analysis of BS26 2

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
1 The Rosary, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB 20 Nov 2023 £315,000 92 sqm £3,423 Semi-D
The Croft, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB 20 Jan 2023 £590,000 149 sqm £3,959 Detached
Chapel Farm, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TD - photos available 02 Sep 2021 £450,000 103 sqm £4,368 Detached (3 bed)
1 Chapel View Cottage, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB 18 Aug 2021 £327,500 88 sqm £3,721 Semi-D
Manor View, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB 29 Jun 2021 £510,000 208 sqm £2,451 Detached
The Hedgerows, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB - photos available 08 Sep 2020 £359,000 91 sqm £3,945 Detached (3 bed)
Laurel Cottage, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB - photos available 10 Oct 2019 £135,000 139 sqm £971 Semi-D
Laurel Farmhouse, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB - photos available 02 Aug 2018 £345,000 169 sqm £2,041 Detached (5 bed)
2 The Rosary, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB 20 Oct 2017 £252,000 92 sqm £2,739 Semi-D
Little Orchard, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB - photos available 03 Oct 2017 £325,000 137 sqm £2,372 Detached (3 bed)
Rosary, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB 04 Mar 2016 £315,000 Detached
2 Chapel View Cottage, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB 22 Dec 2015 £212,500 71 sqm £2,992 Semi-D
Dos Caminos, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB - photos available 28 Aug 2015 £287,500 137 sqm £2,098 Detached (4 bed)
Beaconsfield House, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB - photos available 06 Feb 2015 £375,000 236 sqm £1,588 Detached (6 bed)
Daisy Cottage, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB - photos available 07 Sep 2012 £274,000 137 sqm £2,000 Semi-D (3 bed)
Rosary, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB 03 Dec 2010 £270,000 Detached
Chiltern, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB - photos available 15 Dec 2006 £287,500 Detached (3 bed)
Owls Rattle, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB - photos available 18 Aug 2003 £240,000 Detached (3 bed)
Southview House, Chapel Road, Rooksbridge, BS26 2TB - photos available 01 Aug 2003 £295,000 357 sqm £826 Detached (4 bed)
1 The Rosary, Chapel Rd £315,000
92 3,423
The Croft, Chapel Rd £590,000
149 3,959
Chapel Farm, Chapel Rd - photos available £450,000
103 4,368
1 Chapel View Cottage, Chapel Rd £327,500
88 3,721
Manor View, Chapel Rd £510,000
208 2,451
The Hedgerows, Chapel Rd - photos available £359,000
91 3,945
Laurel Cottage, Chapel Rd - photos available £135,000
139 971
Laurel Farmhouse, Chapel Rd - photos available £345,000
169 2,041
2 The Rosary, Chapel Rd £252,000
92 2,739
Little Orchard, Chapel Rd - photos available £325,000
137 2,372
Rosary, Chapel Rd £315,000
2 Chapel View Cottage, Chapel Rd £212,500
71 2,992
Dos Caminos, Chapel Rd - photos available £287,500
137 2,098
Beaconsfield House, Chapel Rd - photos available £375,000
236 1,588
Daisy Cottage, Chapel Rd - photos available £274,000
137 2,000
Rosary, Chapel Rd £270,000
Chiltern, Chapel Rd - photos available £287,500
Owls Rattle, Chapel Rd - photos available £240,000
Southview House, Chapel Rd - photos available £295,000
357 826

The data above for Chapel Road can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Chapel Road, Rooksbridge is £3,644 sqm (£338 per sq ft), this is based on the sold price of the 6 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Axbridge are now selling for between £3,060 and £4,120 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of BS26 2 (Axbridge) house prices.
There are roughly 17 homes on Chapel Road, we would have expected approximately 2 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 6 property sales in Chapel Road, averaging about 1 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Chapel Road is 140 m2 (1,506 sqft).

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