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All house prices in Grange Road

Grange Road has only one postcode, MK45 4RE.
Price trends | Analysis of MK45 4

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
39, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 23 Feb 2024 £420,000 86 sqm £4,883 Detached (3 bed)
2, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 20 Feb 2024 £338,000 71 sqm £4,760 Terrace (4 bed)
47, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 19 Dec 2023 £318,000 62 sqm £5,129 Terrace (2 bed)
30, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 26 Aug 2022 £550,000 106 sqm £5,188 Detached (4 bed)
7, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 11 Feb 2022 £540,000 142 sqm £3,802 Detached (4 bed)
37, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 25 Jan 2022 £430,000 86 sqm £5,000 Detached (3 bed)
43, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 11 Jan 2022 £295,000 72 sqm £4,097 Terrace (2 bed)
45, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 22 Oct 2021 £285,000 64 sqm £4,453 Terrace (3 bed)
19, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 17 Mar 2021 £285,000 62 sqm £4,596 Terrace (2 bed)
11, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 02 Nov 2018 £415,000 130 sqm £3,192 Detached (3 bed)
4, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 11 Oct 2018 £238,000 55 sqm £4,327 Terrace (2 bed)
73, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 03 Sep 2018 £595,000 159 sqm £3,742 Detached (4 bed)
51, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 24 Apr 2018 £339,000 68 sqm £4,985 Semi-D
21, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 20 Jul 2017 £275,000 60 sqm £4,583 Semi-D (2 bed)
49, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 31 Mar 2017 £253,000 62 sqm £4,080 Semi-D (2 bed)
35, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 14 Nov 2016 £412,000 103 sqm £4,000 Detached (4 bed)
53, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 31 Mar 2016 £535,000 133 sqm £4,022 Detached (4 bed)
38, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 08 Dec 2015 £402,500 139 sqm £2,895 Detached (4 bed)
3, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 21 Jul 2015 £420,000 110 sqm £3,818 Detached (4 bed)
77, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 18 Dec 2014 £340,000 124 sqm £2,741 Detached (4 bed)
12, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 31 Jan 2014 £222,000 75 sqm £2,960 Terrace (3 bed)
64, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 13 Aug 2012 £320,000 111 sqm £2,882 Detached (4 bed)
27, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE 21 Nov 2011 £345,000 154 sqm £2,240 Detached (4 bed)
14, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 19 Nov 2010 £213,400 92 sqm £2,319 Semi-D (2 bed)
54, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE 26 Apr 2010 £175,000 Detached (4 bed)
62, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 09 Oct 2009 £405,000 155 sqm £2,612 Detached (4 bed)
15, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE 31 Oct 2008 £250,000 Semi-D (3 bed)
41, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE 18 Jan 2008 £270,000 Detached (3 bed)
59, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE 08 Dec 2006 £332,000 122 sqm £2,721 Detached (4 bed)
8, Grange Road, Barton Le Clay, MK45 4RE - photos available 26 Jul 2006 £177,500 Terrace (3 bed)
39, Grange Rd - photos available £420,000
86 4,883
2, Grange Rd - photos available £338,000
71 4,760
47, Grange Rd - photos available £318,000
62 5,129
30, Grange Rd - photos available £550,000
106 5,188
7, Grange Rd - photos available £540,000
142 3,802
37, Grange Rd - photos available £430,000
86 5,000
43, Grange Rd - photos available £295,000
72 4,097
45, Grange Rd - photos available £285,000
64 4,453
19, Grange Rd - photos available £285,000
62 4,596
11, Grange Rd - photos available £415,000
130 3,192
4, Grange Rd - photos available £238,000
55 4,327
73, Grange Rd - photos available £595,000
159 3,742
51, Grange Rd - photos available £339,000
68 4,985
21, Grange Rd - photos available £275,000
60 4,583
49, Grange Rd - photos available £253,000
62 4,080
35, Grange Rd - photos available £412,000
103 4,000
53, Grange Rd - photos available £535,000
133 4,022
38, Grange Rd - photos available £402,500
139 2,895
3, Grange Rd - photos available £420,000
110 3,818
77, Grange Rd - photos available £340,000
124 2,741
12, Grange Rd - photos available £222,000
75 2,960
64, Grange Rd - photos available £320,000
111 2,882
27, Grange Rd £345,000
154 2,240
14, Grange Rd - photos available £213,400
92 2,319
54, Grange Rd £175,000
62, Grange Rd - photos available £405,000
155 2,612
15, Grange Rd £250,000
41, Grange Rd £270,000
59, Grange Rd £332,000
122 2,721
8, Grange Rd - photos available £177,500

The data above for Grange Road can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Grange Road, Barton Le Clay is £4,656 sqm (£432 per sq ft), this is calculated from the Land Registry sold price of the 9 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Barton Le Clay are now selling for between £3,830 and £4,870 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of MK45 4 (Barton Le Clay) house prices.
There are roughly 60 homes on Grange Road, we would have expected approximately 8 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 9 property sales in Grange Road, averaging roughly 2 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Grange Road is 97 m2 (1,044 sqft).

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