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All house prices in Hill Lane

Hill Lane includes M9 6PE , M9 6PF , M9 6PL , M9 6PW .
Price trends | Analysis of M9 6

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
71, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PF - photos available 16 Feb 2024 £240,000 154 sqm £1,558 Semi-D (4 bed)
126, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PW - photos available 01 Feb 2023 £255,000 85 sqm £3,000 Semi-D (3 bed)
88, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PL - photos available 01 Dec 2022 £238,500 92 sqm £2,592 Semi-D (3 bed)
41, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PE - photos available 02 Sep 2022 £350,000 81 sqm £4,320 Semi-D (3 bed)
33, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PE 30 Nov 2021 £156,000 71 sqm £2,197 Semi-D (3 bed)
81, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PF 29 Nov 2021 £1,000 (3 bed)
72, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PF - photos available 16 Sep 2021 £225,000 104 sqm £2,163 Semi-D (3 bed)
49, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PE - photos available 23 Jul 2021 £111,250 75 sqm £1,483 Semi-D (3 bed)
69, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PF - photos available 04 Jun 2021 £180,000 196 sqm £918 Semi-D (4 bed)
23, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PE - photos available 18 Dec 2020 £168,000 85 sqm £1,976 Semi-D (3 bed)
145, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PW - photos available 18 Nov 2020 £218,000 139 sqm £1,568 Semi-D (4 bed)
120, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PW - photos available 30 Oct 2020 £158,000 129 sqm £1,224 Semi-D (3 bed)
44, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PE - photos available 04 Sep 2020 £247,000 165 sqm £1,496 Detached (4 bed)
98, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PL - photos available 25 Jun 2020 £160,000 97 sqm £1,649 Semi-D (3 bed)
113, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PW - photos available 06 Apr 2020 £153,000 71 sqm £2,154 Semi-D (3 bed)
137, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PW - photos available 01 Nov 2019 £218,000 72 sqm £3,027 Detached (4 bed)
108, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PL - photos available 05 Jul 2019 £165,000 97 sqm £1,701 Detached (3 bed)
141, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PW - photos available 22 Mar 2019 £175,000 98 sqm £1,785 Detached (4 bed)
52, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PE - photos available 03 Aug 2018 £196,000 146 sqm £1,342 Semi-D (4 bed)
92, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PL - photos available 27 Apr 2018 £145,500 110 sqm £1,322 Semi-D (3 bed)
9, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PE 19 Jan 2018 £100,000 52 sqm £1,923 Semi-D (3 bed)
58, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PF - photos available 03 Nov 2017 £151,500 101 sqm £1,500 Semi-D (3 bed)
50, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PE - photos available 30 Oct 2017 £210,000 95 sqm £2,210 Semi-D (3 bed)
54, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PE - photos available 27 Oct 2017 £190,000 136 sqm £1,397 Semi-D (3 bed)
95, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PL - photos available 28 Jul 2017 £207,000 203 sqm £1,019 Semi-D (4 bed)
106, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PL - photos available 20 Jan 2017 £118,500 76 sqm £1,559 Semi-D (3 bed)
79, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PF - photos available 23 May 2016 £117,000 93 sqm £1,258 Semi-D (3 bed)
66, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PF - photos available 18 Apr 2016 £121,000 120 sqm £1,008 Semi-D (3 bed)
77, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PF - photos available 31 Mar 2016 £154,500 127 sqm £1,216 Semi-D (3 bed)
82, Hill Lane, Manchester, M9 6PF - photos available 04 Feb 2016 £130,000 98 sqm £1,326 Semi-D (3 bed)
71, Hill Lane - photos available £240,000
154 1,558
126, Hill Lane - photos available £255,000
85 3,000
88, Hill Lane - photos available £238,500
92 2,592
41, Hill Lane - photos available £350,000
81 4,320
33, Hill Lane £156,000
71 2,197
81, Hill Lane £1,000
72, Hill Lane - photos available £225,000
104 2,163
49, Hill Lane - photos available £111,250
75 1,483
69, Hill Lane - photos available £180,000
196 918
23, Hill Lane - photos available £168,000
85 1,976
145, Hill Lane - photos available £218,000
139 1,568
120, Hill Lane - photos available £158,000
129 1,224
44, Hill Lane - photos available £247,000
165 1,496
98, Hill Lane - photos available £160,000
97 1,649
113, Hill Lane - photos available £153,000
71 2,154
137, Hill Lane - photos available £218,000
72 3,027
108, Hill Lane - photos available £165,000
97 1,701
141, Hill Lane - photos available £175,000
98 1,785
52, Hill Lane - photos available £196,000
146 1,342
92, Hill Lane - photos available £145,500
110 1,322
9, Hill Lane £100,000
52 1,923
58, Hill Lane - photos available £151,500
101 1,500
50, Hill Lane - photos available £210,000
95 2,210
54, Hill Lane - photos available £190,000
136 1,397
95, Hill Lane - photos available £207,000
203 1,019
106, Hill Lane - photos available £118,500
76 1,559
79, Hill Lane - photos available £117,000
93 1,258
66, Hill Lane - photos available £121,000
120 1,008
77, Hill Lane - photos available £154,500
127 1,216
82, Hill Lane - photos available £130,000
98 1,326

The data above for Hill Lane can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Hill Lane, Manchester is £2,055 sqm (£190 per sq ft), this is based on sold house prices of the 13 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Manchester are now selling for between £1,820 and £2,590 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of M9 6 (Manchester) house prices.
There are about 81 homes on Hill Lane, we would have expected approximately 11 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 13 property sales in Hill Lane, averaging approximately 3 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Hill Lane is 114 m2 (1,227 sqft).

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