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All house prices in Kenlor Road

Kenlor Road includes SW17 0DF , SW17 0DG .
Price trends | Analysis of SW17 0

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
62, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DF - photos available 26 Jan 2024 £750,000 112 sqm £6,696 Terrace (3 bed)
90, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DF - photos available 22 Sep 2023 £444,000 61 sqm £7,278 Flat (2 bed)
38, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DF - photos available 28 Jul 2023 £650,000 89 sqm £7,303 Terrace (3 bed)
75, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG - photos available 30 May 2023 £575,000 72 sqm £7,986 Terrace (3 bed)
56, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DF - photos available 12 May 2023 £510,000 72 sqm £7,083 Terrace (3 bed)
72, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DF - photos available 12 May 2023 £570,000 82 sqm £6,951 Terrace (4 bed)
35, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG - photos available 05 Apr 2023 £614,950 85 sqm £7,234 Terrace (3 bed)
53, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG - photos available 24 Mar 2023 £775,000 90 sqm £8,611 Terrace (3 bed)
37, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG - photos available 03 Mar 2023 £762,350 78 sqm £9,773 Terrace (3 bed)
71, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG - photos available 16 Dec 2022 £698,000 75 sqm £9,306 Terrace (2 bed)
79, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG 16 Dec 2022 £595,000 75 sqm £7,933 Terrace (3 bed)
42, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DF - photos available 18 Jul 2022 £600,000 79 sqm £7,594 Terrace (3 bed)
5, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG - photos available 01 Jun 2022 £558,000 74 sqm £7,540 Terrace (2 bed)
81, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG - photos available 18 May 2022 £640,000 97 sqm £6,597 Terrace (3 bed)
14, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DF 13 Apr 2022 £587,500 80 sqm £7,343 Terrace (3 bed)
43, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG 05 Aug 2021 £736,500 154 sqm £4,782 Terrace (2 bed)
40, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DF - photos available 15 Jun 2021 £690,000 97 sqm £7,113 Terrace (3 bed)
66, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DF - photos available 18 Dec 2020 £747,250 112 sqm £6,671 Terrace (2 bed)
97, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG - photos available 27 Nov 2020 £755,000 87 sqm £8,678 Terrace (3 bed)
24, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DF - photos available 18 Oct 2019 £622,500 83 sqm £7,500 Terrace (2 bed)
88, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DF - photos available 07 Nov 2018 £499,999 60 sqm £8,333 Flat (2 bed)
52, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DF - photos available 06 Jul 2018 £599,950 87 sqm £6,895 Terrace (3 bed)
68, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DF - photos available 29 Jun 2018 £575,000 77 sqm £7,467 Terrace (2 bed)
39, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG - photos available 01 Nov 2017 £601,399 77 sqm £7,810 Semi-D (3 bed)
33, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG - photos available 20 Oct 2017 £732,500 94 sqm £7,792 Terrace (2 bed)
109, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG 31 Jul 2017 £450,000 60 sqm £7,500 Flat (2 bed)
22, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DF 31 Mar 2017 £425,000 77 sqm £5,519 Terrace (3 bed)
57, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG - photos available 08 Apr 2015 £475,000 74 sqm £6,418 Terrace (2 bed)
93, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG - photos available 27 Feb 2015 £485,000 73 sqm £6,643 Terrace (2 bed)
99, Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood, SW17 0DG - photos available 08 Jan 2015 £492,000 81 sqm £6,074 Terrace (2 bed)
62, Kenlor Rd - photos available £750,000
112 6,696
90, Kenlor Rd - photos available £444,000
61 7,278
38, Kenlor Rd - photos available £650,000
89 7,303
75, Kenlor Rd - photos available £575,000
72 7,986
56, Kenlor Rd - photos available £510,000
72 7,083
72, Kenlor Rd - photos available £570,000
82 6,951
35, Kenlor Rd - photos available £614,950
85 7,234
53, Kenlor Rd - photos available £775,000
90 8,611
37, Kenlor Rd - photos available £762,350
78 9,773
71, Kenlor Rd - photos available £698,000
75 9,306
79, Kenlor Rd £595,000
75 7,933
42, Kenlor Rd - photos available £600,000
79 7,594
5, Kenlor Rd - photos available £558,000
74 7,540
81, Kenlor Rd - photos available £640,000
97 6,597
14, Kenlor Rd £587,500
80 7,343
43, Kenlor Rd £736,500
154 4,782
40, Kenlor Rd - photos available £690,000
97 7,113
66, Kenlor Rd - photos available £747,250
112 6,671
97, Kenlor Rd - photos available £755,000
87 8,678
24, Kenlor Rd - photos available £622,500
83 7,500
88, Kenlor Rd - photos available £499,999
60 8,333
52, Kenlor Rd - photos available £599,950
87 6,895
68, Kenlor Rd - photos available £575,000
77 7,467
39, Kenlor Rd - photos available £601,399
77 7,810
33, Kenlor Rd - photos available £732,500
94 7,792
109, Kenlor Rd £450,000
60 7,500
22, Kenlor Rd £425,000
77 5,519
57, Kenlor Rd - photos available £475,000
74 6,418
93, Kenlor Rd - photos available £485,000
73 6,643
99, Kenlor Rd - photos available £492,000
81 6,074

The data above for Kenlor Road can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Kenlor Road, Colliers Wood is £7,417 sqm (£689 per sq ft), this is calculated from sold property prices of the 21 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Tooting Broadway are now selling for between £6,470 and £8,440 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of SW17 0 (Tooting Broadway) house prices.
There are approximately 80 homes on Kenlor Road, we would have expected roughly 11 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 21 property sales in Kenlor Road, averaging roughly 5 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Kenlor Road is 82 m2 (882 sqft).

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