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All house prices in Laing Close

Laing Close includes IG6 2UF , IG6 2UQ .
Price trends | Analysis of IG6 2

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
41, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 30 Nov 2023 £399,999 319 sqm £1,253 Terrace (2 bed)
8, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 20 Jan 2022 £290,000 49 sqm £5,918 Flat (1 bed)
28, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 17 Dec 2021 £375,000 61 sqm £6,147 Terrace (2 bed)
61, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UQ - photos available 03 Dec 2021 £270,000 48 sqm £5,625 (1 bed)
63, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UQ - photos available 03 Dec 2021 £270,000 47 sqm £5,744 (1 bed)
95, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UQ - photos available 22 Sep 2021 £375,000 60 sqm £6,250 Terrace (2 bed)
99, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UQ - photos available 16 Feb 2021 £265,000 37 sqm £7,162 Terrace (1 bed)
9, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 14 Sep 2020 £370,000 60 sqm £6,166 Terrace (2 bed)
48, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF 24 Jun 2020 £260,000 (1 bed)
46, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 24 Jun 2020 £260,000 49 sqm £5,306 (2 bed)
16, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 09 Apr 2020 £270,000 39 sqm £6,923 Terrace (1 bed)
89, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UQ - photos available 20 Aug 2019 £265,000 37 sqm £7,162 Terrace (1 bed)
26, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 03 Jun 2019 £306,700 60 sqm £5,111 Terrace (2 bed)
1, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 07 May 2019 £260,500 38 sqm £6,855 Terrace (2 bed)
30, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 15 Feb 2019 £230,000 48 sqm £4,791 Flat (1 bed)
72, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UQ - photos available 26 Oct 2018 £315,000 52 sqm £6,057 Terrace (2 bed)
22, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 11 May 2018 £360,000 60 sqm £6,000 Terrace (2 bed)
71, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UQ - photos available 14 Dec 2017 £390,000 71 sqm £5,492 Terrace (3 bed)
77, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UQ - photos available 06 Nov 2017 £392,000 82 sqm £4,780 Terrace (3 bed)
81, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UQ - photos available 28 Apr 2017 £335,000 60 sqm £5,583 Terrace (2 bed)
39, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 29 Apr 2016 £330,000 60 sqm £5,500 Terrace (2 bed)
47, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 28 Sep 2015 £199,995 37 sqm £5,405 Terrace (2 bed)
12, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 07 Aug 2015 £229,000 56 sqm £4,089 Terrace (2 bed)
54, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UQ 28 Apr 2015 £215,000 70 sqm £3,071 Terrace (2 bed)
50, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 07 Apr 2015 £170,000 44 sqm £3,863 Flat (1 bed)
2, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 19 Sep 2014 £250,000 76 sqm £3,289 Semi-D (2 bed)
31, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 02 Jun 2014 £155,000 48 sqm £3,229 Flat (1 bed)
19, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UF - photos available 31 Jan 2014 £166,000 Terrace (1 bed)
87, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UQ - photos available 18 Oct 2013 £156,000 37 sqm £4,216 Terrace (1 bed)
69, Laing Close, Ilford, IG6 2UQ - photos available 15 Sep 2011 £175,000 61 sqm £2,868 Terrace (2 bed)
41, Laing Close - photos available £399,999
319 1,253
8, Laing Close - photos available £290,000
49 5,918
28, Laing Close - photos available £375,000
61 6,147
61, Laing Close - photos available £270,000
48 5,625
63, Laing Close - photos available £270,000
47 5,744
95, Laing Close - photos available £375,000
60 6,250
99, Laing Close - photos available £265,000
37 7,162
9, Laing Close - photos available £370,000
60 6,166
48, Laing Close £260,000
46, Laing Close - photos available £260,000
49 5,306
16, Laing Close - photos available £270,000
39 6,923
89, Laing Close - photos available £265,000
37 7,162
26, Laing Close - photos available £306,700
60 5,111
1, Laing Close - photos available £260,500
38 6,855
30, Laing Close - photos available £230,000
48 4,791
72, Laing Close - photos available £315,000
52 6,057
22, Laing Close - photos available £360,000
60 6,000
71, Laing Close - photos available £390,000
71 5,492
77, Laing Close - photos available £392,000
82 4,780
81, Laing Close - photos available £335,000
60 5,583
39, Laing Close - photos available £330,000
60 5,500
47, Laing Close - photos available £199,995
37 5,405
12, Laing Close - photos available £229,000
56 4,089
54, Laing Close £215,000
70 3,071
50, Laing Close - photos available £170,000
44 3,863
2, Laing Close - photos available £250,000
76 3,289
31, Laing Close - photos available £155,000
48 3,229
19, Laing Close - photos available £166,000
87, Laing Close - photos available £156,000
37 4,216
69, Laing Close - photos available £175,000
61 2,868

The data above for Laing Close can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Laing Close, Ilford is £5,533 sqm (£514 per sq ft), this is based on the Land Registry sold price of the 8 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Fairlop are now selling for between £4,760 and £6,040 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of IG6 2 (Fairlop) house prices.
There are roughly 79 homes on Laing Close, we would have expected about 11 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 8 property sales in Laing Close, averaging about 2 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Laing Close is 53 m2 (570 sqft).

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