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All house prices in Nottingham Terrace

Nottingham Terrace includes NW1 4QB , NW1 4QD , NW1 4QE .
Price trends | Analysis of NW1 4

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
46, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QD 21 Dec 2023 £1,200,000 78 sqm £15,384 Flat (2 bed)
110, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QE - photos available 20 Dec 2023 £2,600,000 117 sqm £22,222 Flat (2 bed)
11, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QB - photos available 07 Aug 2023 £1,030,000 87 sqm £11,839 Flat (2 bed)
9, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QB 03 Apr 2023 £1,950,000 103 sqm £18,932 Flat (2 bed)
5, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QB 22 Jul 2022 £2,530,000 117 sqm £21,623 Flat (2 bed)
14, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QB - photos available 27 May 2022 £1,150,000 118 sqm £9,745 Flat (2 bed)
84, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QE - photos available 27 May 2022 £1,425,000 88 sqm £16,193 Flat (2 bed)
7, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QB - photos available 14 Apr 2022 £1,440,000 90 sqm £16,000 Flat (2 bed)
24, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QB - photos available 08 Mar 2022 £550,000 52 sqm £10,576 Flat (1 bed)
38, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QB - photos available 02 Oct 2020 £700,000 54 sqm £12,962 (1 bed)
40, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QB 12 Aug 2020 £212,100 Flat (2 bed)
75, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QE - photos available 30 Jun 2020 £3,350,000 174 sqm £19,252 (3 bed)
34, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QB 06 Jan 2020 £95,000 37 sqm £2,567
18, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QB - photos available 20 Nov 2019 £1,130,000 73 sqm £15,479 Flat (2 bed)
81, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QE - photos available 29 Oct 2018 £575,000 42 sqm £13,690 Flat
53, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QD - photos available 16 Mar 2016 £800,000 51 sqm £15,686 Flat (2 bed)
92, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QE 14 Dec 2015 £735,000 50 sqm £14,700 Flat (1 bed)
70, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QD 26 Feb 2015 £1,350,000 92 sqm £14,673 Flat (2 bed)
49, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QD - photos available 30 Jan 2015 £1,099,500 86 sqm £12,784 Flat (2 bed)
28, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QB - photos available 29 Jan 2015 £1,500,000 91 sqm £16,483 Flat (2 bed)
33, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QB - photos available 21 Nov 2014 £120,000 Flat (2 bed)
65, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QD 14 Jul 2014 £995,000 74 sqm £13,445 Flat (1 bed)
51, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QD - photos available 24 Apr 2014 £785,000 72 sqm £10,902 Flat (1 bed)
90, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QE - photos available 27 Nov 2013 £141,350 88 sqm £1,606 Flat (2 bed)
3, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QB - photos available 13 Jun 2013 £278,700 Flat (4 bed)
29, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QB - photos available 16 Mar 2012 £114,000 82 sqm £1,390 Flat (1 bed)
91, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QE - photos available 29 Sep 2011 £625,000 58 sqm £10,775 Flat (1 bed)
98, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QE - photos available 03 Nov 2010 £542,500 53 sqm £10,235 Flat (1 bed)
111, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QE - photos available 30 Jul 2010 £1,330,000 117 sqm £11,367 Flat (3 bed)
63, Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street, NW1 4QD 19 Oct 2009 £700,000 87 sqm £8,045 Flat (2 bed)
46, Nottingham Terrace £1,200,000
78 15,384
110, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £2,600,000
117 22,222
11, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £1,030,000
87 11,839
9, Nottingham Terrace £1,950,000
103 18,932
5, Nottingham Terrace £2,530,000
117 21,623
14, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £1,150,000
118 9,745
84, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £1,425,000
88 16,193
7, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £1,440,000
90 16,000
24, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £550,000
52 10,576
38, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £700,000
54 12,962
40, Nottingham Terrace £212,100
75, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £3,350,000
174 19,252
34, Nottingham Terrace £95,000
37 2,567
18, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £1,130,000
73 15,479
81, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £575,000
42 13,690
53, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £800,000
51 15,686
92, Nottingham Terrace £735,000
50 14,700
70, Nottingham Terrace £1,350,000
92 14,673
49, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £1,099,500
86 12,784
28, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £1,500,000
91 16,483
33, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £120,000
65, Nottingham Terrace £995,000
74 13,445
51, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £785,000
72 10,902
90, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £141,350
88 1,606
3, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £278,700
29, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £114,000
82 1,390
91, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £625,000
58 10,775
98, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £542,500
53 10,235
111, Nottingham Terrace - photos available £1,330,000
117 11,367
63, Nottingham Terrace £700,000
87 8,045

The data above for Nottingham Terrace can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Nottingham Terrace, Baker Street is £13,659 sqm (£1,268 per sq ft), this is from the Land Registry sold price of the 14 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Euston are now selling for between £9,960 and £18,890 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of NW1 4 (Euston) house prices.
There are roughly 82 homes on Nottingham Terrace, we would have expected roughly 11 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 14 property sales in Nottingham Terrace, averaging approximately 3 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Nottingham Terrace is 83 m2 (893 sqft).

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