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All house prices in Pasturelands Drive

Pasturelands Drive includes BB7 9LJ , BB7 9LP , BB7 9LW .
Price trends | Analysis of BB7 9

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
91, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW 23 Feb 2024 £199,950 60 sqm £3,332 Semi-D (2 bed)
82, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LJ - photos available 13 Nov 2023 £225,000 95 sqm £2,368 Semi-D (3 bed)
73, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW - photos available 14 Jul 2023 £275,000 105 sqm £2,619 Semi-D (3 bed)
3, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LP - photos available 16 Sep 2022 £220,000 94 sqm £2,340 Semi-D (3 bed)
30, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW - photos available 07 Sep 2022 £230,000 107 sqm £2,149 Semi-D (3 bed)
88, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LJ - photos available 18 Jul 2022 £195,000 80 sqm £2,437 Semi-D (3 bed)
85, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW - photos available 14 Apr 2022 £235,000 59 sqm £3,983 Semi-D (3 bed)
83, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW - photos available 18 Feb 2022 £195,000 81 sqm £2,407 Semi-D (3 bed)
68, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW - photos available 28 Jan 2022 £190,000 104 sqm £1,826 Semi-D (3 bed)
6, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LP - photos available 06 Aug 2021 £178,000 73 sqm £2,438 Semi-D (3 bed)
2, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LP - photos available 04 Jun 2021 £225,000 214 sqm £1,051 Semi-D (6 bed)
58, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW 23 Apr 2021 £210,000 102 sqm £2,058 Semi-D (3 bed)
60, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW - photos available 01 Apr 2021 £211,000 101 sqm £2,089 Semi-D (3 bed)
8, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LP - photos available 04 Jan 2021 £155,000 81 sqm £1,913 Semi-D (3 bed)
99, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LJ - photos available 25 Nov 2020 £185,000 77 sqm £2,402 Semi-D (3 bed)
93, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW - photos available 03 Sep 2020 £176,950 70 sqm £2,527 Semi-D (3 bed)
56, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW - photos available 14 Aug 2020 £205,000 108 sqm £1,898 Semi-D (3 bed)
76, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LJ - photos available 27 Mar 2020 £158,500 79 sqm £2,006 Semi-D (3 bed)
111, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LJ - photos available 19 Mar 2019 £165,050 70 sqm £2,357 Semi-D (3 bed)
137, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LJ - photos available 11 Jan 2019 £122,000 67 sqm £1,820 Semi-D (3 bed)
17, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LP - photos available 14 Sep 2018 £189,000 90 sqm £2,100 Semi-D (3 bed)
57, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW 17 Aug 2018 £130,000 Semi-D (2 bed)
16, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LP - photos available 10 Jul 2018 £150,000 62 sqm £2,419 Semi-D (2 bed)
81, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW 05 Jul 2018 £160,000 82 sqm £1,951 Semi-D (3 bed)
89, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW - photos available 15 Jun 2018 £175,000 95 sqm £1,842 Semi-D (3 bed)
38, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW - photos available 02 Mar 2018 £139,000 95 sqm £1,463 Semi-D (3 bed)
115, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LJ - photos available 26 May 2017 £150,000 106 sqm £1,415 Semi-D (6 bed)
151, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LJ 20 Jan 2017 £130,000 49 sqm £2,653 Semi-D (2 bed)
40, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW - photos available 21 Nov 2016 £146,500 88 sqm £1,664 Semi-D (3 bed)
52, Pasturelands Drive, Billington, BB7 9LW 07 Oct 2016 £135,000 106 sqm £1,273 Semi-D (2 bed)
91, Pasturelands Drive £199,950
60 3,332
82, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £225,000
95 2,368
73, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £275,000
105 2,619
3, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £220,000
94 2,340
30, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £230,000
107 2,149
88, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £195,000
80 2,437
85, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £235,000
59 3,983
83, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £195,000
81 2,407
68, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £190,000
104 1,826
6, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £178,000
73 2,438
2, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £225,000
214 1,051
58, Pasturelands Drive £210,000
102 2,058
60, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £211,000
101 2,089
8, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £155,000
81 1,913
99, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £185,000
77 2,402
93, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £176,950
70 2,527
56, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £205,000
108 1,898
76, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £158,500
79 2,006
111, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £165,050
70 2,357
137, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £122,000
67 1,820
17, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £189,000
90 2,100
57, Pasturelands Drive £130,000
16, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £150,000
62 2,419
81, Pasturelands Drive £160,000
82 1,951
89, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £175,000
95 1,842
38, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £139,000
95 1,463
115, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £150,000
106 1,415
151, Pasturelands Drive £130,000
49 2,653
40, Pasturelands Drive - photos available £146,500
88 1,664
52, Pasturelands Drive £135,000
106 1,273

The data above for Pasturelands Drive can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Pasturelands Drive, Billington is £2,343 sqm (£217 per sq ft), this is from the Land Registry price paid of the 17 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Whalley are now selling for between £2,340 and £3,520 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of BB7 9 (Whalley) house prices.
There are roughly 86 homes on Pasturelands Drive, we would have expected roughly 12 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 17 property sales in Pasturelands Drive, averaging approximately 4 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Pasturelands Drive is 86 m2 (925 sqft).

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