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All house prices in Princes Avenue

Princes Avenue includes N10 3LR , N10 3LS , N10 3LT .
Price trends | Analysis of N10 3

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
Flat 3 22, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 19 Sep 2023 £455,000 66 sqm £6,893 Flat
28, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR - photos available 02 Aug 2023 £3,740,000 341 sqm £10,967 Semi-D (6 bed)
Flat 5 32, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 25 Jul 2023 £270,000 Flat
18b, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 16 Jun 2023 £1,100,000 Flat
Flat 6 32, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 12 Apr 2023 £450,000 52 sqm £8,653 Flat
16c, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 06 Jan 2023 £320,000 Flat
Flat 9 Old Chapel Place, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LT - photos available 17 Dec 2021 £341,000 42 sqm £8,119 Flat
18d, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 17 Dec 2021 £450,000 Flat
18c, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 14 Oct 2021 £520,000 Flat
18c, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 29 Jun 2021 £395,000 Flat
Flat 2 Old Chapel Place, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LT - photos available 20 May 2021 £525,000 74 sqm £7,094 Flat
Flat 1 12, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 07 Jan 2021 £257,500 Flat
15a, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LS 18 Dec 2020 £1,225,000 Flat
Flat 7 12, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 13 Aug 2019 £266,500 Flat
5, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LS 31 Jul 2018 £1,192,059
16c, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 27 Apr 2018 £290,000 Flat
Flat 1 Old Chapel Place, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LT - photos available 02 Feb 2018 £55,450 97 sqm £571 (1 bed)
30a, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 06 Sep 2017 £1,020,000 Flat
18b, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 04 Jul 2017 £795,000 Flat
10b, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 28 Mar 2017 £700,000 Flat
16d, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 09 Feb 2017 £440,000 Flat
24, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 08 Feb 2017 £870,000 Flat
Flat 6 Old Chapel Place, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LT - photos available 25 Nov 2016 £490,000 55 sqm £8,909 Flat
4, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 27 Jun 2016 £1,650,000 Semi-D (6 bed)
26, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR - photos available 03 Jun 2016 £2,750,000 357 sqm £7,703 Semi-D (6 bed)
10c, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 16 May 2016 £680,000 Flat
15c, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LS 24 Mar 2016 £630,000 Flat
Flat 5 2, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 26 Feb 2016 £601,000 88 sqm £6,829 Flat
Flat 2 22, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 20 Nov 2015 £597,950 Flat
Flat 5 12, Princes Avenue, Highgate, N10 3LR 28 Jul 2015 £485,000 61 sqm £7,950 Flat
Flat 3 22, Princes Avenue £455,000
66 6,893
28, Princes Avenue - photos available £3,740,000
341 10,967
Flat 5 32, Princes Avenue £270,000
18b, Princes Avenue £1,100,000
Flat 6 32, Princes Avenue £450,000
52 8,653
16c, Princes Avenue £320,000
Flat 9 Old Chapel Place, Princes Avenue - photos available £341,000
42 8,119
18d, Princes Avenue £450,000
18c, Princes Avenue £520,000
18c, Princes Avenue £395,000
Flat 2 Old Chapel Place, Princes Avenue - photos available £525,000
74 7,094
Flat 1 12, Princes Avenue £257,500
15a, Princes Avenue £1,225,000
Flat 7 12, Princes Avenue £266,500
5, Princes Avenue £1,192,059
16c, Princes Avenue £290,000
Flat 1 Old Chapel Place, Princes Avenue - photos available £55,450
97 571
30a, Princes Avenue £1,020,000
18b, Princes Avenue £795,000
10b, Princes Avenue £700,000
16d, Princes Avenue £440,000
24, Princes Avenue £870,000
Flat 6 Old Chapel Place, Princes Avenue - photos available £490,000
55 8,909
4, Princes Avenue £1,650,000
26, Princes Avenue - photos available £2,750,000
357 7,703
10c, Princes Avenue £680,000
15c, Princes Avenue £630,000
Flat 5 2, Princes Avenue £601,000
88 6,829
Flat 2 22, Princes Avenue £597,950
Flat 5 12, Princes Avenue £485,000
61 7,950

The data above for Princes Avenue can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Princes Avenue, Highgate is £8,345 sqm (£775 per sq ft), this is from the Land Registry sold price of the 5 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Highgate are now selling for between £7,770 and £9,830 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of N10 3 (Highgate) house prices.
There are about 36 homes on Princes Avenue, we would have expected approximately 5 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 5 property sales in Princes Avenue, averaging roughly 1 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Princes Avenue is 93 m2 (1,001 sqft).

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