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All house prices in Seal Road

Seal Road includes SK7 2LB , SK7 2LE , SK7 2LL , SK7 2LU .
Price trends | Analysis of SK7 2

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
107, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LL - photos available 19 Dec 2023 £350,000 87 sqm £4,022 Semi-D (3 bed)
90, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LB - photos available 14 Dec 2023 £325,000 75 sqm £4,333 Semi-D (3 bed)
125, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LL - photos available 14 Dec 2023 £445,000 116 sqm £3,836 Semi-D (4 bed)
117, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LL - photos available 27 Oct 2023 £125,000 86 sqm £1,453 Semi-D (3 bed)
139, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LL - photos available 14 Apr 2023 £465,000 136 sqm £3,419 Semi-D (3 bed)
101, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LL 23 Mar 2023 £252,550 88 sqm £2,869 Semi-D (3 bed)
81, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LE - photos available 27 Jan 2023 £385,000 75 sqm £5,133 Semi-D (3 bed)
74, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LU - photos available 16 Dec 2022 £490,000 101 sqm £4,851 Detached (4 bed)
174, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LL 29 Jun 2022 £267,000 69 sqm £3,869 Terrace (3 bed)
73, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LB - photos available 10 Jun 2022 £312,500 87 sqm £3,591 Semi-D (3 bed)
102, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LB - photos available 06 Jun 2022 £320,000 73 sqm £4,383 Semi-D (3 bed)
194, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LL - photos available 26 Apr 2022 £334,750 87 sqm £3,847 Semi-D (3 bed)
124, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LE - photos available 13 Jan 2022 £350,000 83 sqm £4,216 Detached (3 bed)
144, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LE - photos available 02 Nov 2021 £278,000 81 sqm £3,432 Semi-D (3 bed)
142, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LE - photos available 30 Sep 2021 £320,000 79 sqm £4,050 Semi-D (3 bed)
109, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LL - photos available 28 Sep 2021 £375,000 74 sqm £5,067 Semi-D (3 bed)
108, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LB - photos available 30 Jun 2021 £347,500 80 sqm £4,343 Detached (3 bed)
172, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LL - photos available 30 Jun 2021 £227,500 74 sqm £3,074 Terrace (3 bed)
162, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LL - photos available 30 Apr 2021 £274,000 67 sqm £4,089 Terrace (3 bed)
138, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LE - photos available 19 Mar 2021 £270,000 75 sqm £3,600 Semi-D (3 bed)
180, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LL - photos available 18 Feb 2021 £407,000 116 sqm £3,508 Detached (4 bed)
91, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LE - photos available 29 Jan 2021 £422,000 111 sqm £3,801 Detached (4 bed)
96, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LB - photos available 12 Dec 2019 £322,000 91 sqm £3,538 Semi-D (3 bed)
160, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LL - photos available 17 Jun 2019 £229,950 75 sqm £3,066 Terrace (3 bed)
170, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LL - photos available 06 Mar 2019 £230,000 87 sqm £2,643 Terrace (3 bed)
78, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LU - photos available 15 Feb 2019 £385,000 114 sqm £3,377 Detached (4 bed)
57, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LB - photos available 20 Jul 2018 £298,000 75 sqm £3,973 Semi-D (3 bed)
65, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LB 26 May 2017 £260,000 82 sqm £3,170 Semi-D (3 bed)
56, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LU - photos available 27 Oct 2016 £273,000 83 sqm £3,289 Terrace
104, Seal Road, Bramhall, SK7 2LB - photos available 12 Aug 2016 £249,950 75 sqm £3,332 Semi-D (3 bed)
107, Seal Rd - photos available £350,000
87 4,022
90, Seal Rd - photos available £325,000
75 4,333
125, Seal Rd - photos available £445,000
116 3,836
117, Seal Rd - photos available £125,000
86 1,453
139, Seal Rd - photos available £465,000
136 3,419
101, Seal Rd £252,550
88 2,869
81, Seal Rd - photos available £385,000
75 5,133
74, Seal Rd - photos available £490,000
101 4,851
174, Seal Rd £267,000
69 3,869
73, Seal Rd - photos available £312,500
87 3,591
102, Seal Rd - photos available £320,000
73 4,383
194, Seal Rd - photos available £334,750
87 3,847
124, Seal Rd - photos available £350,000
83 4,216
144, Seal Rd - photos available £278,000
81 3,432
142, Seal Rd - photos available £320,000
79 4,050
109, Seal Rd - photos available £375,000
74 5,067
108, Seal Rd - photos available £347,500
80 4,343
172, Seal Rd - photos available £227,500
74 3,074
162, Seal Rd - photos available £274,000
67 4,089
138, Seal Rd - photos available £270,000
75 3,600
180, Seal Rd - photos available £407,000
116 3,508
91, Seal Rd - photos available £422,000
111 3,801
96, Seal Rd - photos available £322,000
91 3,538
160, Seal Rd - photos available £229,950
75 3,066
170, Seal Rd - photos available £230,000
87 2,643
78, Seal Rd - photos available £385,000
114 3,377
57, Seal Rd - photos available £298,000
75 3,973
65, Seal Rd £260,000
82 3,170
56, Seal Rd - photos available £273,000
83 3,289
104, Seal Rd - photos available £249,950
75 3,332

The data above for Seal Road can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Seal Road, Bramhall is £3,812 sqm (£354 per sq ft), this is based on the Land Registry sold price of the 24 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Bramhall are now selling for between £3,520 and £4,980 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of SK7 2 (Bramhall) house prices.
There are approximately 87 homes on Seal Road, we would have expected roughly 12 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 24 property sales in Seal Road, averaging roughly 6 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Seal Road is 88 m2 (947 sqft).

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