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All house prices in Selmeston Road

Selmeston Road includes BN21 2TA , BN21 2TB , BN21 2TE , BN21 2TF , BN21 2TH , BN21 2TL , BN21 2TN .
Price trends | Analysis of BN21 2

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
96, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TH - photos available 20 Oct 2023 £302,500 61 sqm £4,959 Semi-D (2 bed)
138, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TN - photos available 16 Mar 2023 £370,000 70 sqm £5,285 Detached (2 bed)
102, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TH - photos available 08 Mar 2023 £350,000 64 sqm £5,468 Semi-D (2 bed)
93, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TH - photos available 19 Oct 2022 £360,000 96 sqm £3,750 Semi-D (4 bed)
57, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TA - photos available 26 Sep 2022 £370,000 67 sqm £5,522 Semi-D (2 bed)
98, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TH - photos available 01 Jul 2022 £282,000 65 sqm £4,338 Semi-D (2 bed)
100, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TH 10 Mar 2022 £185,000 54 sqm £3,425 Semi-D (2 bed)
118, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TH - photos available 15 Dec 2021 £300,000 64 sqm £4,687 Semi-D (2 bed)
130, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TL - photos available 07 Oct 2021 £329,000 56 sqm £5,875 Detached (2 bed)
104, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TH - photos available 24 Sep 2021 £352,500 83 sqm £4,246 Semi-D (3 bed)
72, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TE - photos available 29 Jun 2021 £470,000 119 sqm £3,949 Detached (3 bed)
89, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TH - photos available 15 Apr 2021 £240,000 60 sqm £4,000 Detached (2 bed)
116, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TH - photos available 05 Jan 2021 £275,000 91 sqm £3,021 Semi-D (3 bed)
65, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TA - photos available 23 Oct 2020 £260,000 82 sqm £3,170 Semi-D (2 bed)
99, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TH - photos available 15 Oct 2020 £220,500 54 sqm £4,083 Semi-D (2 bed)
103, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TH - photos available 06 Oct 2020 £225,000 59 sqm £3,813 Semi-D (2 bed)
58, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TB 02 Oct 2020 £300,000 114 sqm £2,631 Detached (3 bed)
119, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TL - photos available 28 Jun 2019 £272,500 58 sqm £4,698 Detached (2 bed)
127, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TL - photos available 18 Apr 2019 £270,000 62 sqm £4,354 Detached (3 bed)
114, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TH - photos available 21 Mar 2019 £255,000 57 sqm £4,473 Semi-D (2 bed)
71, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TA - photos available 04 Jan 2019 £245,000 100 sqm £2,450 Semi-D (2 bed)
52, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TB - photos available 28 Aug 2018 £313,900 64 sqm £4,904 Semi-D (2 bed)
126, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TL - photos available 04 Jul 2018 £355,000 118 sqm £3,008 Detached (4 bed)
121, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TL - photos available 29 Mar 2018 £263,000 77 sqm £3,415 Detached (3 bed)
106, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TH - photos available 09 Feb 2018 £289,995 106 sqm £2,735 Semi-D (4 bed)
132, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TN - photos available 05 Jan 2018 £286,500 69 sqm £4,152 Detached (3 bed)
84, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TE - photos available 20 Dec 2017 £265,000 65 sqm £4,076 Semi-D (2 bed)
124, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TL - photos available 01 Sep 2017 £355,000 94 sqm £3,776 Detached (3 bed)
86, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TE - photos available 07 Jul 2017 £252,000 64 sqm £3,937 Semi-D (2 bed)
122, Selmeston Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2TL - photos available 10 Mar 2017 £385,000 112 sqm £3,437 Detached (3 bed)
96, Selmeston Rd - photos available £302,500
61 4,959
138, Selmeston Rd - photos available £370,000
70 5,285
102, Selmeston Rd - photos available £350,000
64 5,468
93, Selmeston Rd - photos available £360,000
96 3,750
57, Selmeston Rd - photos available £370,000
67 5,522
98, Selmeston Rd - photos available £282,000
65 4,338
100, Selmeston Rd £185,000
54 3,425
118, Selmeston Rd - photos available £300,000
64 4,687
130, Selmeston Rd - photos available £329,000
56 5,875
104, Selmeston Rd - photos available £352,500
83 4,246
72, Selmeston Rd - photos available £470,000
119 3,949
89, Selmeston Rd - photos available £240,000
60 4,000
116, Selmeston Rd - photos available £275,000
91 3,021
65, Selmeston Rd - photos available £260,000
82 3,170
99, Selmeston Rd - photos available £220,500
54 4,083
103, Selmeston Rd - photos available £225,000
59 3,813
58, Selmeston Rd £300,000
114 2,631
119, Selmeston Rd - photos available £272,500
58 4,698
127, Selmeston Rd - photos available £270,000
62 4,354
114, Selmeston Rd - photos available £255,000
57 4,473
71, Selmeston Rd - photos available £245,000
100 2,450
52, Selmeston Rd - photos available £313,900
64 4,904
126, Selmeston Rd - photos available £355,000
118 3,008
121, Selmeston Rd - photos available £263,000
77 3,415
106, Selmeston Rd - photos available £289,995
106 2,735
132, Selmeston Rd - photos available £286,500
69 4,152
84, Selmeston Rd - photos available £265,000
65 4,076
124, Selmeston Rd - photos available £355,000
94 3,776
86, Selmeston Rd - photos available £252,000
64 3,937
122, Selmeston Rd - photos available £385,000
112 3,437

The data above for Selmeston Road can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Selmeston Road, Eastbourne is £4,248 sqm (£394 per sq ft), this is from sold house prices of the 17 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Eastbourne are now selling for between £2,910 and £4,220 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of BN21 2 (Eastbourne) house prices.
There are about 71 homes on Selmeston Road, we would have expected roughly 10 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 17 property sales in Selmeston Road, averaging roughly 4 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Selmeston Road is 75 m2 (807 sqft).

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