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All house prices in Skirsgill Lane

Skirsgill Lane has only one postcode, CA10 2BQ.
Price trends | Analysis of CA10 2

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
1, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, CA10 2BQ 04 Jan 2024 £130,000 57 sqm £2,280 Terrace (2 bed)
Coach House, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, CA10 2BQ 01 Sep 2023 £1,150,000 364 sqm £3,159 Detached (4 bed)
The Music Centre, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, CA10 2BQ 19 May 2023 £80,000
2, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, CA10 2BQ - photos available 18 May 2023 £180,000 91 sqm £1,978 Terrace
Ashbank, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, CA10 2BQ - photos available 01 Dec 2022 £525,000 265 sqm £1,981 Detached
North Bank, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, CA10 2BQ - photos available 21 Oct 2022 £450,000 254 sqm £1,771 Detached
2 Eamont Lodge, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, CA10 2BQ 16 Mar 2022 £154,000 Terrace
River View, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, CA10 2BQ - photos available 27 Aug 2021 £239,500 109 sqm £2,197 Detached (4 bed)
Speedwell, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, CA10 2BQ - photos available 23 Apr 2021 £375,000 240 sqm £1,562 Detached (4 bed)
Snuff Cottage, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, CA10 2BQ 19 Dec 2007 £167,000 115 sqm £1,452 Detached (2 bed)
Fir Bank, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, CA10 2BQ 20 Oct 2005 £225,000 Detached (4 bed)
Rittson House, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, CA10 2BQ 07 Oct 2004 £60,000 Detached
Lime Grove, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, CA10 2BQ 27 Feb 1998 £93,500 Detached (4 bed)
High Mill House, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, CA10 2BQ - photos available 12 May 1997 £142,500 199 sqm £716 Detached (4 bed)
1 Eamont Lodge, Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge, CA10 2BQ 20 Dec 1996 £33,000 Terrace
1, Skirsgill Lane £130,000
57 2,280
Coach House, Skirsgill Lane £1,150,000
364 3,159
The Music Centre, Skirsgill Lane £80,000
2, Skirsgill Lane - photos available £180,000
91 1,978
Ashbank, Skirsgill Lane - photos available £525,000
265 1,981
North Bank, Skirsgill Lane - photos available £450,000
254 1,771
2 Eamont Lodge, Skirsgill Lane £154,000
River View, Skirsgill Lane - photos available £239,500
109 2,197
Speedwell, Skirsgill Lane - photos available £375,000
240 1,562
Snuff Cottage, Skirsgill Lane £167,000
115 1,452
Fir Bank, Skirsgill Lane £225,000
Rittson House, Skirsgill Lane £60,000
Lime Grove, Skirsgill Lane £93,500
High Mill House, Skirsgill Lane - photos available £142,500
199 716
1 Eamont Lodge, Skirsgill Lane £33,000

The data above for Skirsgill Lane can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Skirsgill Lane, Eamont Bridge is £2,132 sqm (£198 per sq ft), this is from sold house prices of the 7 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Clifton are now selling for between £2,310 and £3,180 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of CA10 2 (Clifton) house prices.
There are roughly 14 homes on Skirsgill Lane, we would have expected approximately 2 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 7 property sales in Skirsgill Lane, averaging roughly 1 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Skirsgill Lane is 173 m2 (1,862 sqft).

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