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All house prices in South Street North

South Street North includes S43 2AA , S43 2AB , S43 2AD .
Price trends | Analysis of S43 2

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
74, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB - photos available 17 Nov 2023 £80,000 61 sqm £1,311 Terrace (2 bed)
134, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB - photos available 20 Oct 2023 £90,000 61 sqm £1,475 Terrace (2 bed)
70, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB - photos available 11 Aug 2023 £71,500 42 sqm £1,702 Terrace (2 bed)
36, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB - photos available 31 Jul 2023 £125,000 92 sqm £1,358 Terrace (3 bed)
176, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AD - photos available 14 Jun 2023 £88,000 85 sqm £1,035 Semi-D (2 bed)
6, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB 20 Mar 2023 £150,000
121, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AD - photos available 05 Dec 2022 £110,000 60 sqm £1,833 Terrace (2 bed)
19, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AA 12 Aug 2022 £400,000 (1 bed)
1a, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AA 10 Aug 2022 £56,300
87, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AD - photos available 14 Jul 2022 £100,000 69 sqm £1,449 (2 bed)
68, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB 01 Jul 2022 £140,000 Detached
140, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB - photos available 31 Mar 2022 £193,888 116 sqm £1,671 Flat (3 bed)
156, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AD - photos available 09 Mar 2022 £95,750 71 sqm £1,348 Terrace (2 bed)
66, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB - photos available 27 Oct 2021 £140,000 59 sqm £2,372 Semi-D
113, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AD - photos available 24 Sep 2021 £112,500 62 sqm £1,814 Terrace (2 bed)
38, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB - photos available 23 Sep 2021 £81,000 Terrace (2 bed)
79, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AD - photos available 10 Sep 2021 £97,750 62 sqm £1,576 Terrace (2 bed)
94, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB - photos available 12 Apr 2021 £142,000 84 sqm £1,690 Semi-D (2 bed)
86, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB - photos available 31 Mar 2021 £120,000 74 sqm £1,621 Terrace (3 bed)
100, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB - photos available 21 Aug 2020 £125,000 64 sqm £1,953 Semi-D (2 bed)
160, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AD - photos available 17 Jul 2020 £111,000 60 sqm £1,850 Terrace (3 bed)
103, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AD - photos available 16 Apr 2020 £85,000 68 sqm £1,250 Terrace (2 bed)
6, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB 15 Apr 2020 £140,000
80, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB - photos available 20 Mar 2020 £71,000 61 sqm £1,163 Terrace (2 bed)
99, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AD - photos available 20 Feb 2020 £100,000 65 sqm £1,538 Terrace (2 bed)
68, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB 20 Sep 2019 £125,000 Detached
125, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AD - photos available 14 Jun 2019 £76,100 48 sqm £1,585 Terrace (2 bed)
15, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AA 09 Nov 2018 £68,000 76 sqm £894 Terrace (2 bed)
109, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AD - photos available 08 Oct 2018 £80,000 63 sqm £1,269 Semi-D (2 bed)
136, South Street North, New Whittington, S43 2AB - photos available 24 Aug 2018 £80,000 61 sqm £1,311 Terrace (2 bed)
74, South St North - photos available £80,000
61 1,311
134, South St North - photos available £90,000
61 1,475
70, South St North - photos available £71,500
42 1,702
36, South St North - photos available £125,000
92 1,358
176, South St North - photos available £88,000
85 1,035
6, South St North £150,000
121, South St North - photos available £110,000
60 1,833
19, South St North £400,000
1a, South St North £56,300
87, South St North - photos available £100,000
69 1,449
68, South St North £140,000
140, South St North - photos available £193,888
116 1,671
156, South St North - photos available £95,750
71 1,348
66, South St North - photos available £140,000
59 2,372
113, South St North - photos available £112,500
62 1,814
38, South St North - photos available £81,000
79, South St North - photos available £97,750
62 1,576
94, South St North - photos available £142,000
84 1,690
86, South St North - photos available £120,000
74 1,621
100, South St North - photos available £125,000
64 1,953
160, South St North - photos available £111,000
60 1,850
103, South St North - photos available £85,000
68 1,250
6, South St North £140,000
80, South St North - photos available £71,000
61 1,163
99, South St North - photos available £100,000
65 1,538
68, South St North £125,000
125, South St North - photos available £76,100
48 1,585
15, South St North £68,000
76 894
109, South St North - photos available £80,000
63 1,269
136, South St North - photos available £80,000
61 1,311

The data above for South Street North can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in South Street North, New Whittington is £1,631 sqm (£151 per sq ft), this is calculated from the sold price of the 17 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in New Whittington are now selling for between £1,720 and £2,570 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of S43 2 (New Whittington) house prices.
There are about 73 homes on South Street North, we would have expected approximately 10 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 17 property sales in South Street North, averaging roughly 4 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on South Street North is 68 m2 (731 sqft).

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