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All house prices in Staple Hill Road

Staple Hill Road includes BS16 5AA , BS16 5AB , BS16 5AD , BS16 5AG , BS16 5AH .
Price trends | Analysis of BS16 5

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
108, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AH - photos available 01 Sep 2023 £427,000 121 sqm £3,528 Terrace (4 bed)
19, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AA - photos available 21 Feb 2023 £327,500 72 sqm £4,548 Terrace (2 bed)
Ground Floor Flat 141, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AG 27 Oct 2022 £160,000 37 sqm £4,324 Flat (1 bed)
49, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AB - photos available 21 Sep 2022 £272,500 57 sqm £4,780 Semi-D (2 bed)
109, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AD - photos available 19 Aug 2022 £360,000 111 sqm £3,243 Semi-D (3 bed)
106, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AH - photos available 04 Feb 2022 £319,000 85 sqm £3,752 Terrace (4 bed)
116, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AH - photos available 03 Nov 2021 £293,000 99 sqm £2,959 Terrace (3 bed)
First Floor Flat 143, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AG 30 Jun 2021 £230,000 102 sqm £2,254 Flat (Studio)
111, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AD 09 Apr 2021 £999,170
85a, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AB - photos available 19 Mar 2021 £165,000 58 sqm £2,844 Flat (2 bed)
133, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AG - photos available 29 Jan 2021 £315,000 110 sqm £2,863 Terrace (3 bed)
145, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AG 15 Jan 2021 £305,000 Semi-D
115, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AD 17 Dec 2020 £340,000
47, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AB - photos available 23 Oct 2020 £420,000 111 sqm £3,783 Semi-D (2 bed)
154, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AH - photos available 28 Sep 2020 £300,000 105 sqm £2,857 Terrace (3 bed)
9, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AA - photos available 25 Sep 2020 £230,000 63 sqm £3,650 Terrace (3 bed)
87a, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AB 08 Sep 2020 £136,000 46 sqm £2,956 (2 bed)
75a, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AB 16 Jun 2020 £46,000
43, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AB - photos available 03 Mar 2020 £322,500 99 sqm £3,257 Terrace (3 bed)
112, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AH 28 Feb 2020 £260,000 88 sqm £2,954 Terrace (3 bed)
121, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AD 06 Dec 2019 £237,000 48 sqm £4,937 Terrace (1 bed)
Flat 2 53, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AB 27 Sep 2019 £142,000 51 sqm £2,784 Flat
164, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AH - photos available 29 Jun 2018 £490,000 189 sqm £2,592 Detached
148, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AH - photos available 01 Jun 2018 £245,000 89 sqm £2,752 Terrace (3 bed)
83, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AB 04 May 2018 £175,000 Flat
118, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AH - photos available 18 Aug 2017 £275,000 101 sqm £2,722 Terrace (3 bed)
Flat 3 53, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AB 23 Jun 2017 £190,000 103 sqm £1,844 Flat
Flat 3 Staple Hill House, 103 - 105, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AD 06 Jan 2017 £120,000 47 sqm £2,553 Flat (2 bed)
21, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AA - photos available 05 Aug 2016 £193,000 Terrace (2 bed)
25, Staple Hill Road, Bristol, BS16 5AA - photos available 26 Jul 2016 £183,500 87 sqm £2,109 Terrace (2 bed)
108, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £427,000
121 3,528
19, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £327,500
72 4,548
Ground Floor Flat 141, Staple Hill Rd £160,000
37 4,324
49, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £272,500
57 4,780
109, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £360,000
111 3,243
106, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £319,000
85 3,752
116, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £293,000
99 2,959
First Floor Flat 143, Staple Hill Rd £230,000
102 2,254
111, Staple Hill Rd £999,170
85a, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £165,000
58 2,844
133, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £315,000
110 2,863
145, Staple Hill Rd £305,000
115, Staple Hill Rd £340,000
47, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £420,000
111 3,783
154, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £300,000
105 2,857
9, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £230,000
63 3,650
87a, Staple Hill Rd £136,000
46 2,956
75a, Staple Hill Rd £46,000
43, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £322,500
99 3,257
112, Staple Hill Rd £260,000
88 2,954
121, Staple Hill Rd £237,000
48 4,937
Flat 2 53, Staple Hill Rd £142,000
51 2,784
164, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £490,000
189 2,592
148, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £245,000
89 2,752
83, Staple Hill Rd £175,000
118, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £275,000
101 2,722
Flat 3 53, Staple Hill Rd £190,000
103 1,844
Flat 3 Staple Hill House, 103 - 105, Staple Hill Rd £120,000
47 2,553
21, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £193,000
25, Staple Hill Rd - photos available £183,500
87 2,109

The data above for Staple Hill Road can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Staple Hill Road, Bristol is £3,419 sqm (£317 per sq ft), this is based on the Land Registry sold price of the 15 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Staple Hill are now selling for between £3,180 and £4,310 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of BS16 5 (Staple Hill) house prices.
There are roughly 60 homes on Staple Hill Road, we would have expected about 8 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 15 property sales in Staple Hill Road, averaging approximately 3 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Staple Hill Road is 85 m2 (914 sqft).

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