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All house prices in The Esplanade

The Esplanade has only one postcode, LA11 7HH.
Price trends | Analysis of LA11 7

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
Culag, 9, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 20 Nov 2023 £480,000 183 sqm £2,622
14 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 29 Sep 2023 £75,000 41 sqm £1,829 Flat
3 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 26 Sep 2023 £105,000 57 sqm £1,842 Flat (1 bed)
8 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 01 Aug 2023 £106,000 37 sqm £2,864 Flat (1 bed)
17 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 13 Jun 2023 £105,000 42 sqm £2,500 Flat (1 bed)
Flat 1 Dunkeld, 8, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 23 May 2023 £249,500 95 sqm £2,626 Flat (2 bed)
Flat 3 20, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 22 May 2023 £235,000 Flat
30 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH - photos available 16 Nov 2022 £122,500 59 sqm £2,076 Flat (2 bed)
Oversands Cottage, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 22 Mar 2022 £237,500 43 sqm £5,523 Detached
12 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 18 Mar 2022 £88,000 38 sqm £2,315 Flat (1 bed)
28 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 20 Dec 2021 £115,000 40 sqm £2,875 Flat (1 bed)
1 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 06 Oct 2021 £80,000 38 sqm £2,105 Flat (1 bed)
Flat 3 Ticino, 4, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 30 Sep 2021 £139,950 78 sqm £1,794 Flat (1 bed)
11 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 30 Sep 2021 £75,000 43 sqm £1,744 Flat (1 bed)
Flat 1 Abbotsrood, 24, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 26 Mar 2021 £210,000 105 sqm £2,000 Flat (2 bed)
31 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 05 Mar 2021 £85,000 42 sqm £2,023 Flat (1 bed)
22 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 01 Mar 2021 £82,500 42 sqm £1,964 Flat (1 bed)
Flat 4 16, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 26 Nov 2020 £109,000 Flat
29 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 28 Feb 2020 £78,000 39 sqm £2,000 Flat (1 bed)
Flat 2 20, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 27 Feb 2020 £185,000 Flat
7 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 16 Aug 2019 £73,000 39 sqm £1,871 Flat (1 bed)
Flat 3 20, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 02 Aug 2019 £185,000 Flat
26 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 03 Apr 2019 £80,000 Flat (2 bed)
4 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 30 Nov 2018 £97,000 60 sqm £1,616 Flat (2 bed)
15 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 23 Oct 2018 £90,000 59 sqm £1,525 Flat (2 bed)
5 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 05 Mar 2018 £73,000 41 sqm £1,780 Flat (1 bed)
28, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 18 Jan 2018 £515,000
16 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 06 Dec 2017 £120,000 63 sqm £1,904 Flat (2 bed)
20 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH 09 Aug 2017 £65,000 41 sqm £1,585 Flat (1 bed)
10 Strand Court, The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands, LA11 7HH - photos available 27 Jun 2017 £50,000 41 sqm £1,219 Flat (1 bed)
Culag, 9, The Esplanade £480,000
183 2,622
14 Strand Court, The Esplanade £75,000
41 1,829
3 Strand Court, The Esplanade £105,000
57 1,842
8 Strand Court, The Esplanade £106,000
37 2,864
17 Strand Court, The Esplanade £105,000
42 2,500
Flat 1 Dunkeld, 8, The Esplanade £249,500
95 2,626
Flat 3 20, The Esplanade £235,000
30 Strand Court, The Esplanade - photos available £122,500
59 2,076
Oversands Cottage, The Esplanade £237,500
43 5,523
12 Strand Court, The Esplanade £88,000
38 2,315
28 Strand Court, The Esplanade £115,000
40 2,875
1 Strand Court, The Esplanade £80,000
38 2,105
Flat 3 Ticino, 4, The Esplanade £139,950
78 1,794
11 Strand Court, The Esplanade £75,000
43 1,744
Flat 1 Abbotsrood, 24, The Esplanade £210,000
105 2,000
31 Strand Court, The Esplanade £85,000
42 2,023
22 Strand Court, The Esplanade £82,500
42 1,964
Flat 4 16, The Esplanade £109,000
29 Strand Court, The Esplanade £78,000
39 2,000
Flat 2 20, The Esplanade £185,000
7 Strand Court, The Esplanade £73,000
39 1,871
Flat 3 20, The Esplanade £185,000
26 Strand Court, The Esplanade £80,000
4 Strand Court, The Esplanade £97,000
60 1,616
15 Strand Court, The Esplanade £90,000
59 1,525
5 Strand Court, The Esplanade £73,000
41 1,780
28, The Esplanade £515,000
16 Strand Court, The Esplanade £120,000
63 1,904
20 Strand Court, The Esplanade £65,000
41 1,585
10 Strand Court, The Esplanade - photos available £50,000
41 1,219

The data above for The Esplanade can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in The Esplanade, Grange-Over-Sands is £2,402 sqm (£223 per sq ft), this is based on sold property prices of the 17 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Grange-Over-Sands are now selling for between £2,410 and £3,760 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of LA11 7 (Grange-Over-Sands) house prices.
There are about 49 homes on The Esplanade, we would have expected roughly 7 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 17 property sales in The Esplanade, averaging about 4 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on The Esplanade is 54 m2 (581 sqft).

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