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All house prices in Tithe Farm Road

Tithe Farm Road includes LU5 5JB , LU5 5JD , LU5 5JE , LU5 5JF .
Price trends | Analysis of LU5 5

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
204, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JF 05 Jan 2024 £340,000 95 sqm £3,578 Semi-D (3 bed)
98, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JB - photos available 21 Aug 2023 £281,000 68 sqm £4,132 Terrace (2 bed)
193, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JF - photos available 25 Oct 2022 £305,000 92 sqm £3,315 Terrace (3 bed)
78, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JB - photos available 12 Sep 2022 £312,000 92 sqm £3,391 Semi-D (3 bed)
129, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JD - photos available 05 Aug 2022 £278,500 82 sqm £3,396 Terrace (3 bed)
107, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JB - photos available 04 Mar 2022 £270,000 93 sqm £2,903 Terrace (3 bed)
148, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JD - photos available 11 Feb 2022 £270,000 74 sqm £3,648 Terrace (3 bed)
126, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JD - photos available 11 Feb 2022 £256,000 72 sqm £3,555 Terrace (2 bed)
64, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JB - photos available 04 Feb 2022 £293,500 106 sqm £2,768 Terrace (3 bed)
191, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JF - photos available 05 Jan 2022 £280,000 81 sqm £3,456 Terrace (3 bed)
72, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JB - photos available 29 Oct 2021 £263,000 90 sqm £2,922 Terrace (3 bed)
151, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JD - photos available 26 Mar 2021 £185,000 68 sqm £2,720 Semi-D (2 bed)
259, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JF - photos available 19 Mar 2021 £250,000 87 sqm £2,873 Semi-D (3 bed)
121, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JB - photos available 27 Oct 2020 £226,000 81 sqm £2,790 Terrace (3 bed)
161, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JF - photos available 13 Dec 2019 £235,000 79 sqm £2,974 Terrace (3 bed)
159, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JF - photos available 15 Nov 2019 £290,000 119 sqm £2,436 Semi-D (4 bed)
127, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JD - photos available 06 Sep 2019 £220,000 86 sqm £2,558 Terrace (3 bed)
157, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JD - photos available 02 Nov 2018 £260,000 96 sqm £2,708 Semi-D (3 bed)
153, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JD - photos available 08 Jun 2018 £220,000 68 sqm £3,235 Semi-D (2 bed)
94, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JB 08 Jun 2018 £225,000 71 sqm £3,169 Terrace (3 bed)
243, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JF - photos available 01 Jun 2018 £220,000 78 sqm £2,820 Terrace (3 bed)
134, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JD - photos available 20 Oct 2017 £205,000 68 sqm £3,014 Terrace (3 bed)
218, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JF - photos available 08 Sep 2017 £189,995 68 sqm £2,794 Terrace (2 bed)
70, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JB - photos available 05 Aug 2016 £187,000 90 sqm £2,077 Terrace (3 bed)
216, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JF 23 May 2016 £200,000 75 sqm £2,666 Terrace (3 bed)
203, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JF - photos available 29 Feb 2016 £167,000 70 sqm £2,385 Terrace (3 bed)
164, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JD - photos available 16 Dec 2015 £165,000 66 sqm £2,500 Terrace (2 bed)
237, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JF - photos available 16 Mar 2015 £159,995 80 sqm £1,999 Terrace (3 bed)
74, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JB - photos available 19 Dec 2014 £175,000 101 sqm £1,732 Terrace (3 bed)
154, Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis, LU5 5JD - photos available 29 Sep 2014 £150,000 67 sqm £2,238 Terrace (3 bed)
204, Tithe Farm Rd £340,000
95 3,578
98, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £281,000
68 4,132
193, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £305,000
92 3,315
78, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £312,000
92 3,391
129, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £278,500
82 3,396
107, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £270,000
93 2,903
148, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £270,000
74 3,648
126, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £256,000
72 3,555
64, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £293,500
106 2,768
191, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £280,000
81 3,456
72, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £263,000
90 2,922
151, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £185,000
68 2,720
259, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £250,000
87 2,873
121, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £226,000
81 2,790
161, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £235,000
79 2,974
159, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £290,000
119 2,436
127, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £220,000
86 2,558
157, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £260,000
96 2,708
153, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £220,000
68 3,235
94, Tithe Farm Rd £225,000
71 3,169
243, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £220,000
78 2,820
134, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £205,000
68 3,014
218, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £189,995
68 2,794
70, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £187,000
90 2,077
216, Tithe Farm Rd £200,000
75 2,666
203, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £167,000
70 2,385
164, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £165,000
66 2,500
237, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £159,995
80 1,999
74, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £175,000
101 1,732
154, Tithe Farm Rd - photos available £150,000
67 2,238

The data above for Tithe Farm Road can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Tithe Farm Road, Houghton Regis is £3,246 sqm (£301 per sq ft), this is calculated from sold property prices of the 14 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Houghton Regis are now selling for between £3,330 and £4,400 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of LU5 5 (Houghton Regis) house prices.
There are approximately 81 homes on Tithe Farm Road, we would have expected about 11 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 14 property sales in Tithe Farm Road, averaging approximately 3 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Tithe Farm Road is 81 m2 (871 sqft).

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