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House prices in Blythe Valley Park (B90 8)

Unfortunately there are insufficient recent sales in Blythe Valley Park (B90 8) for us to compile our usual analysis.

Neighbouring postcode sectors these are listed below:

Postcode sector Lower quartile Middle quartile Upper quartile
B90 3 Shirley £3,300m2 £3,890m2 £4,380m2
B90 4 Shirley £3,470m2 £4,150m2 £4,770m2
B90 2 Shirley £3,460m2 £3,940m2 £4,320m2
B90 1 Shirley £2,860m2 £3,430m2 £4,100m2
B90 8 Blythe Valley Park £3,780m2 £4,450m2 £4,680m2

See the entire list of all sales in Blythe Valley Park (B90 8) here.


HouseMetric is a hobby, created out of a desire to see data and analysis not present on any free to use website. It is still a work in progress and I'll add more stuff in the near future.