House prices in TS25 1 (Seaton Carew)

This article reveals price per square foot data and various charts to help you understand current housing market in 'TS25 1' (Seaton Carew, Hartlepool) - statistics were last calculated on 04 October 2024.

Defining 'TS25 1'

This analysis is limited to properties whose postcode starts with "TS25 1", this is also called the postcode sector. It is shown in red on the map above. There are no official names for postcode sectors so I've just labelled it Seaton Carew.

You can click on the map to change sector, or you can enter a different postcode sector (e.g. CM23 4) below.

FYI, a postcode sector is the full postcode without the last two letters.

Price per square foot

Knowing the average house price in Seaton Carew is not much use. However, knowing average price per square foot can be quite useful. Price per sqft allows some comparison between properties of different size. We define price per square foot as the sold price divided by the internal area of a property:

£ per sqft = price ÷ internal area
E.g. 47, Seaton Lane, Seaton Carew, Hartlepool, sold for £244,000 on Jul-2024. Given the internal area of 1,044 square feet, the price per sqft is £233.

England & Wales have been officially metric for many decades. Convert this site to square meters.

The chart below is called a histogram, it helps you see the distribution of this house price per sqft data. To make this chart we put the sales data into a series of £ per sqft 'buckets' (e.g. £125-£139, £139-£153, £153-£167 etc...) we then count the number of sales with within in each bucket and plot the results. The chart is based on 143 sales in Seaton Carew (TS25 1) that took place in the last two years.

Distribution of £ per sqft for Seaton Carew, Hartlepool
Distribution of £ per sqft house prices in Seaton Carew

Generate a custom chart like the one above but based on your own criteria.

You can see the spread of prices above. This is because although internal area is a key factor in determining valuation, it is not the only factor. Many factors other than size affect desirability; these factors could be condition, aspect, garden size, negotiating power of the vendor etc.

The spread of prices will give you a feel of the typical range to expect in Seaton Carew (TS25 1). Of the 143 transactions, half were sold for between £117 and £197 per square foot. The median, or 'middle', price per square foot in 'TS25 1' is £156. Notably, only 25% of properties that sold recently were valued at more than £197 sqft. For anything to be valued more than this means it has to be more desireable than the clear majority of homes.

Price map for Seaton Carew, Hartlepool

Do have a look at the interactive price map I created. I find it useful and I am sure it will help you in exploring Hartlepool. You can zoom in all the way to individual properties and then all the way back out to see the whole country. The colours show the current estimated property values.

Property price heatmap for Seaton Carew
House price heatmap for Seaton Carew, Hartlepool

Comparison with neighbouring postcode sectors

The table below shows how 'TS25 1' compares to neighbouring postcode sectors.

Postcode sector Lower quartile Middle quartile Upper quartile
TS25 5 Hartlepool £89 sqft £117 sqft £155 sqft
TS25 2 Hartlepool £163 sqft £186 sqft £210 sqft
TS25 4 Hartlepool £92 sqft £112 sqft £120 sqft
TS25 1 Seaton Carew £117 sqft £156 sqft £197 sqft
TS25 3 Hartlepool £100 sqft £116 sqft £129 sqft

Will Hartlepool house prices drop in 2024?

I cannot tell the future and don't believe anyone who says they can. I can however plot price trends - I have done this in the chart below for TS25 1 (Seaton Carew) compared with both the wider area TS25 and inflation (CPIH from the Office of National Statistics). The dashed trend lines in the chart show the average over time.

Historic price per square foot in Seaton Carew,Hartlepool
House price trends for Seaton Carew

Download time series data as CSV (paying users only).

For the most recent sales activity, rather than a summarized average, it is better to see the underlying data. This is shown in the chart below, where blue dots represent individual sales, click on them to see details. If there is an obvious trend you should be able to spot it here amid the noise from outliers.

Most recent TS25 1 sales
Recent trends for Seaton Carew

Data from Land Registry comes in gradually over time. I update it every month but it takes about 5 months for the majority of sales for Hartlepool to be recorded. Disclaimer: I do not verify and cannot guarantee the accuracy of any data shown. Outliers exist in the data, typically these are where the EPC registry records the internal area incorrectly, sometimes although very rarely the Land Registry price paid data can be wrong. The data provided throughout this website about Hartlepool and any other area, is not financial advice. Any information provided does not and cannot ever take in to account the particular financial situation, objectives or property needs of either you or anyone reading this information.

Street level data

Street Avg size Avg £sqft Recent sales
Intrepid Close, Seaton Carew, TS25 1G 796 sqft £191 38
Brenda Road, Seaton Carew, TS25 1Q 785 sqft £94 15
Glentower Grove, Seaton Carew, TS25 1D 925 sqft £169 13
Carlisle Street, Seaton Carew, TS25 1B 936 sqft £100 12
Ark Royal Close, Seaton Carew, TS25 1D 0 sqft £186 11
Bolton Grove, Seaton Carew, TS25 1B 0 sqft £128 10
Station Lane, Seaton Carew, TS25 1D 0 sqft £126 10
Lawson Road, Seaton Carew, TS25 1A 914 sqft £178 10

Search for your street here.

Raw data

Our analysis of Seaton Carew is derived from what is essentially a big table of sold prices from Land Registry with added property size information. Below are three rows from this table to give you an idea.

Address Paid sqft £/sqft
47, Seaton Lane, Seaton Carew, Hartlepool £244,000
1,044 233
6, Crawford St, Seaton Carew, Hartlepool £258,000
1,130 228
Flat 2 221, Stockton Rd, Seaton Carew, Hartlepool £150,000
473 316

See the entire list of all sales in Seaton Carew (TS25 1) here.


I created HouseMetric because I wanted to see this data and analysis myself, I also wanted to teach myself to build a website. Please give me feedback or spread the word about it. I'm constantly tinkering and adding more stuff to it.