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All house prices in Willow Drive

Willow Drive includes S9 4AS , S9 4AT , S9 4AU .
Price trends | Analysis of S9 4

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
100, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AT - photos available 26 Apr 2024 £147,770 67 sqm £2,205 (2 bed)
63, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AS - photos available 08 Jan 2024 £125,000 53 sqm £2,358 Terrace (2 bed)
99, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AS - photos available 29 Nov 2023 £140,000 53 sqm £2,641 Terrace (2 bed)
21, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AS 20 Oct 2023 £140,000 63 sqm £2,222 Semi-D (2 bed)
177, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AU - photos available 25 Aug 2023 £180,000 77 sqm £2,337 Semi-D (3 bed)
30, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AT - photos available 04 May 2023 £196,500 78 sqm £2,519 Semi-D (3 bed)
52, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AT - photos available 31 Mar 2023 £130,000 67 sqm £1,940 Semi-D (3 bed)
88, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AT - photos available 21 Mar 2023 £140,000 52 sqm £2,692 Semi-D (2 bed)
26, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AT - photos available 06 Jan 2023 £165,000 65 sqm £2,538 Semi-D (2 bed)
54, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AT - photos available 04 Jan 2023 £115,000 75 sqm £1,533 Semi-D (2 bed)
120, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AU - photos available 01 Sep 2022 £185,000 72 sqm £2,569 Semi-D (3 bed)
51, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AS - photos available 10 Aug 2022 £141,000 60 sqm £2,350 Terrace (2 bed)
59, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AS - photos available 17 Dec 2021 £110,000 55 sqm £2,000 Semi-D (2 bed)
66, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AT - photos available 12 Nov 2021 £120,000 58 sqm £2,068 Terrace (2 bed)
173, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AU 07 Oct 2021 £82,500 71 sqm £1,161 Semi-D (3 bed)
79, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AS - photos available 08 Jun 2021 £95,000 61 sqm £1,557 Terrace (2 bed)
17, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AS 30 Apr 2021 £95,000 73 sqm £1,301 Semi-D (2 bed)
143, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AU - photos available 19 Mar 2021 £125,000 73 sqm £1,712 Terrace (3 bed)
113, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AS - photos available 15 Feb 2021 £122,000 57 sqm £2,140 Terrace (2 bed)
85, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AS - photos available 13 Nov 2019 £142,000 83 sqm £1,710 Terrace (3 bed)
42, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AT - photos available 30 Sep 2019 £110,000 63 sqm £1,746 Terrace (2 bed)
103, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AS - photos available 16 Aug 2019 £96,000 56 sqm £1,714 Terrace (2 bed)
121, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AS - photos available 03 Jun 2019 £90,000 54 sqm £1,666 Terrace (2 bed)
137, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AU 07 Dec 2018 £124,950 72 sqm £1,735 Semi-D (3 bed)
86, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AT - photos available 04 May 2018 £88,000 57 sqm £1,543 Terrace (2 bed)
19, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AS - photos available 16 Feb 2018 £118,000 Semi-D (2 bed)
56, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AT - photos available 09 Feb 2018 £92,500 66 sqm £1,401 Semi-D (4 bed)
124, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AU 15 Sep 2017 £123,000 70 sqm £1,757 Semi-D (3 bed)
67, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AS - photos available 07 Jul 2017 £87,500 72 sqm £1,215 Semi-D (2 bed)
25, Willow Drive, Sheffield, S9 4AS - photos available 27 Feb 2017 £85,000 68 sqm £1,250 Semi-D (2 bed)
100, Willow Drive - photos available £147,770
67 2,205
63, Willow Drive - photos available £125,000
53 2,358
99, Willow Drive - photos available £140,000
53 2,641
21, Willow Drive £140,000
63 2,222
177, Willow Drive - photos available £180,000
77 2,337
30, Willow Drive - photos available £196,500
78 2,519
52, Willow Drive - photos available £130,000
67 1,940
88, Willow Drive - photos available £140,000
52 2,692
26, Willow Drive - photos available £165,000
65 2,538
54, Willow Drive - photos available £115,000
75 1,533
120, Willow Drive - photos available £185,000
72 2,569
51, Willow Drive - photos available £141,000
60 2,350
59, Willow Drive - photos available £110,000
55 2,000
66, Willow Drive - photos available £120,000
58 2,068
173, Willow Drive £82,500
71 1,161
79, Willow Drive - photos available £95,000
61 1,557
17, Willow Drive £95,000
73 1,301
143, Willow Drive - photos available £125,000
73 1,712
113, Willow Drive - photos available £122,000
57 2,140
85, Willow Drive - photos available £142,000
83 1,710
42, Willow Drive - photos available £110,000
63 1,746
103, Willow Drive - photos available £96,000
56 1,714
121, Willow Drive - photos available £90,000
54 1,666
137, Willow Drive £124,950
72 1,735
86, Willow Drive - photos available £88,000
57 1,543
19, Willow Drive - photos available £118,000
56, Willow Drive - photos available £92,500
66 1,401
124, Willow Drive £123,000
70 1,757
67, Willow Drive - photos available £87,500
72 1,215
25, Willow Drive - photos available £85,000
68 1,250

The data above for Willow Drive can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Willow Drive, Sheffield is £1,991 sqm (£184 per sq ft), this is based on the Land Registry price paid of the 23 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Sheffield are now selling for between £1,610 and £2,340 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of S9 4 (Sheffield) house prices.
There are roughly 75 homes on Willow Drive, we would have expected about 10 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 23 property sales in Willow Drive, averaging about 5 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Willow Drive is 65 m2 (699 sqft).

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