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All house prices in Hill View

Hill View has only one postcode, RH4 1SY.
Price trends | Analysis of RH4 1

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
52, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 17 Nov 2023 £380,000 69 sqm £5,507 Flat (2 bed)
38, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 03 Mar 2023 £440,000 139 sqm £3,165 Flat (2 bed)
16, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY 13 Feb 2023 £191,250 50 sqm £3,825 Flat (1 bed)
17, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 04 Nov 2022 £284,000 60 sqm £4,733 Flat (2 bed)
57, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 15 Sep 2022 £375,000 66 sqm £5,681 Flat (2 bed)
79, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 29 Jul 2022 £265,000 47 sqm £5,638 Flat (1 bed)
53, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 22 Jul 2022 £380,000 69 sqm £5,507 Flat (2 bed)
47, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 09 Jun 2022 £382,000 77 sqm £4,961 Flat (2 bed)
78, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 31 Jan 2022 £100,000 53 sqm £1,886 Flat (1 bed)
85, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 21 Jan 2022 £171,000 77 sqm £2,220 Flat (2 bed)
34, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 26 Nov 2021 £325,000 89 sqm £3,651 Flat (2 bed)
32, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 08 Oct 2021 £262,500 54 sqm £4,861 Flat (1 bed)
62, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 17 Sep 2021 £345,000 65 sqm £5,307 Flat (2 bed)
5, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 26 Aug 2021 £372,000 111 sqm £3,351 Flat (2 bed)
80, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 25 Aug 2021 £240,000 52 sqm £4,615 Flat (1 bed)
19, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 08 Jun 2021 £136,000 Flat (2 bed)
12, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 30 Mar 2021 £295,000 74 sqm £3,986 Flat (2 bed)
44, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 16 Oct 2020 £350,000 81 sqm £4,320 Flat (2 bed)
8, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 16 Apr 2020 £350,000 75 sqm £4,666 Flat (2 bed)
72, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 27 Nov 2019 £330,000 67 sqm £4,925 Flat (2 bed)
43, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 04 Sep 2019 £320,000 65 sqm £4,923 Flat (2 bed)
39, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 03 Sep 2019 £365,000 83 sqm £4,397 Flat (2 bed)
81, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 10 Jul 2019 £160,000 65 sqm £2,461 Flat (1 bed)
70, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 25 Mar 2019 £330,000 64 sqm £5,156 Flat (2 bed)
66, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 07 Jan 2019 £376,500 68 sqm £5,536 Flat
83, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 12 Oct 2018 £98,000 44 sqm £2,227 Flat (1 bed)
74, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 27 Sep 2018 £365,000 67 sqm £5,447 Flat (2 bed)
50, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 20 Sep 2018 £330,000 68 sqm £4,852 Flat (2 bed)
37, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 12 Sep 2018 £360,000 83 sqm £4,337 Flat (2 bed)
14, Hill View, Dorking, RH4 1SY - photos available 02 Feb 2018 £128,000 58 sqm £2,206 Flat (2 bed)
52, Hill View - photos available £380,000
69 5,507
38, Hill View - photos available £440,000
139 3,165
16, Hill View £191,250
50 3,825
17, Hill View - photos available £284,000
60 4,733
57, Hill View - photos available £375,000
66 5,681
79, Hill View - photos available £265,000
47 5,638
53, Hill View - photos available £380,000
69 5,507
47, Hill View - photos available £382,000
77 4,961
78, Hill View - photos available £100,000
53 1,886
85, Hill View - photos available £171,000
77 2,220
34, Hill View - photos available £325,000
89 3,651
32, Hill View - photos available £262,500
54 4,861
62, Hill View - photos available £345,000
65 5,307
5, Hill View - photos available £372,000
111 3,351
80, Hill View - photos available £240,000
52 4,615
19, Hill View - photos available £136,000
12, Hill View - photos available £295,000
74 3,986
44, Hill View - photos available £350,000
81 4,320
8, Hill View - photos available £350,000
75 4,666
72, Hill View - photos available £330,000
67 4,925
43, Hill View - photos available £320,000
65 4,923
39, Hill View - photos available £365,000
83 4,397
81, Hill View - photos available £160,000
65 2,461
70, Hill View - photos available £330,000
64 5,156
66, Hill View - photos available £376,500
68 5,536
83, Hill View - photos available £98,000
44 2,227
74, Hill View - photos available £365,000
67 5,447
50, Hill View - photos available £330,000
68 4,852
37, Hill View - photos available £360,000
83 4,337
14, Hill View - photos available £128,000
58 2,206

The data above for Hill View can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Hill View, Dorking is £4,306 sqm (£400 per sq ft), this is from the sold price of the 17 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Dorking are now selling for between £5,050 and £6,410 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of RH4 1 (Dorking) house prices.
There are roughly 77 homes on Hill View, we would have expected approximately 11 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 17 property sales in Hill View, averaging roughly 4 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Hill View is 71 m2 (764 sqft).

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