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All house prices in Chatsworth Fold

Chatsworth Fold has only one postcode, WN3 4LT.
Price trends | Analysis of WN3 4

Switch to £ square feet
Last sold Price paid Floor area £ per square metre Type Paid m2 £/m2
32, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 02 Feb 2023 £270,000 119 sqm £2,268 Detached (4 bed)
47, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT 19 Dec 2022 £210,000 101 sqm £2,079 Detached (4 bed)
1, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT 29 Jul 2022 £265,000 132 sqm £2,007 Detached (5 bed)
14, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 26 Jul 2022 £305,000 124 sqm £2,459 Detached (4 bed)
74, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 27 May 2022 £248,000 107 sqm £2,317 Detached (4 bed)
69, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 21 Jan 2022 £249,500 112 sqm £2,227 Detached (4 bed)
65, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT 13 Dec 2021 £245,000 99 sqm £2,474 Detached (4 bed)
26, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 29 Jul 2021 £210,000 67 sqm £3,134 Detached (3 bed)
59, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT 09 Apr 2021 £215,000 111 sqm £1,936 Detached (4 bed)
81, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 05 Mar 2021 £218,000 101 sqm £2,158 Detached (4 bed)
49, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT 01 Feb 2021 £177,000 90 sqm £1,966 Detached (4 bed)
4, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 26 Mar 2020 £210,000 159 sqm £1,320 Detached (4 bed)
75, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 29 Jan 2020 £138,000 78 sqm £1,769 Semi-D (4 bed)
83, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 22 Jan 2020 £130,000 83 sqm £1,566 Semi-D (4 bed)
5, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 11 Dec 2019 £225,000 107 sqm £2,102 Detached (4 bed)
91, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT 20 Sep 2019 £149,500 84 sqm £1,779 Detached (4 bed)
11, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 03 Sep 2019 £182,750 119 sqm £1,535 Detached (4 bed)
93, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT 08 Aug 2019 £200,000 99 sqm £2,020 Detached (4 bed)
89, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 05 Jul 2019 £228,000 123 sqm £1,853 Detached (5 bed)
67, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT 03 May 2019 £170,000 81 sqm £2,098 Terrace (4 bed)
2, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT 13 Dec 2018 £175,000 94 sqm £1,861 Detached (4 bed)
6, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 23 Oct 2018 £192,000 106 sqm £1,811 Detached (4 bed)
44, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 07 Sep 2018 £195,000 126 sqm £1,547 Detached (4 bed)
41, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 16 May 2018 £214,000 134 sqm £1,597 Detached (5 bed)
40, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 29 Nov 2017 £192,500 123 sqm £1,565 Detached (5 bed)
54, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 27 Jan 2017 £220,000 123 sqm £1,788 Detached (4 bed)
33, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 09 Dec 2016 £139,950 88 sqm £1,590 Detached (3 bed)
16, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 08 Sep 2016 £10,350 (4 bed)
28, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 19 Nov 2015 £152,000 104 sqm £1,461 Detached (4 bed)
43a, Chatsworth Fold, Ince, WN3 4LT - photos available 26 Oct 2015 £168,000 105 sqm £1,600 Detached (4 bed)
32, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £270,000
119 2,268
47, Chatsworth Fold £210,000
101 2,079
1, Chatsworth Fold £265,000
132 2,007
14, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £305,000
124 2,459
74, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £248,000
107 2,317
69, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £249,500
112 2,227
65, Chatsworth Fold £245,000
99 2,474
26, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £210,000
67 3,134
59, Chatsworth Fold £215,000
111 1,936
81, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £218,000
101 2,158
49, Chatsworth Fold £177,000
90 1,966
4, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £210,000
159 1,320
75, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £138,000
78 1,769
83, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £130,000
83 1,566
5, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £225,000
107 2,102
91, Chatsworth Fold £149,500
84 1,779
11, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £182,750
119 1,535
93, Chatsworth Fold £200,000
99 2,020
89, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £228,000
123 1,853
67, Chatsworth Fold £170,000
81 2,098
2, Chatsworth Fold £175,000
94 1,861
6, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £192,000
106 1,811
44, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £195,000
126 1,547
41, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £214,000
134 1,597
40, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £192,500
123 1,565
54, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £220,000
123 1,788
33, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £139,950
88 1,590
16, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £10,350
28, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £152,000
104 1,461
43a, Chatsworth Fold - photos available £168,000
105 1,600

The data above for Chatsworth Fold can be visualised as a scatter graph, this will show price trends over time.

The average price per square metre (per square foot) in Chatsworth Fold, Ince is £2,219 sqm (£206 per sq ft), this is from sold property prices of the 12 most recent sales.
The majority of homes in Ince are now selling for between £1,180 and £2,180 per square metre , find out more in this local analysis of WN3 4 (Ince) house prices.
There are roughly 82 homes on Chatsworth Fold, we would have expected roughly 11 sales each year given that in the UK people sell their homes on average once every 7 years.
In the last 4 years there have been 12 property sales in Chatsworth Fold, averaging about 3 home sales per year .
The average size of all the properties on Chatsworth Fold is 105 m2 (1,130 sqft).

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